View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * This file is part of dependency-check-core.
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   *
16   * Copyright (c) 2023 Jeremy Long. All Rights Reserved.
17   */
18  package;
20  import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
21  import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule;
22  import io.github.jeremylong.openvulnerability.client.nvd.DefCveItem;
23  import io.github.jeremylong.openvulnerability.client.nvd.NvdApiException;
24  import io.github.jeremylong.openvulnerability.client.nvd.NvdCveClient;
25  import io.github.jeremylong.openvulnerability.client.nvd.NvdCveClientBuilder;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
34  import java.text.MessageFormat;
35  import java.time.Duration;
36  import java.time.ZoneId;
37  import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
38  import java.util.ArrayList;
39  import java.util.Collection;
40  import java.util.HashMap;
41  import java.util.HashSet;
42  import java.util.List;
43  import java.util.Map;
44  import java.util.Properties;
45  import java.util.Set;
46  import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
47  import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
48  import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
49  import java.util.concurrent.Future;
50  import;
51  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.Engine;
52  import;
53  import;
54  import;
55  import;
56  import;
57  import;
58  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.DateUtil;
59  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.DownloadFailedException;
60  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader;
61  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.InvalidSettingException;
62  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ResourceNotFoundException;
63  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings;
64  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.TooManyRequestsException;
65  import org.slf4j.Logger;
66  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
68  /**
69   *
70   * @author Jeremy Long
71   */
72  public class NvdApiDataSource implements CachedWebDataSource {
74      /**
75       * The logger.
76       */
77      private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NvdApiDataSource.class);
78      /**
79       * The thread pool size to use for CPU-intense tasks.
80       */
81      private static final int PROCESSING_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
82      /**
83       * The configured settings.
84       */
85      private Settings settings;
86      /**
87       * Reference to the DAO.
88       */
89      private CveDB cveDb = null;
90      /**
91       * The properties obtained from the database.
92       */
93      private DatabaseProperties dbProperties = null;
94      /**
95       * The key for the NVD API cache properties file's last modified date.
96       */
97      private static final String NVD_API_CACHE_MODIFIED_DATE = "lastModifiedDate";
98      /**
99       * The number of results per page from the NVD API. The default is 2000; we
100      * are setting the value to be explicit.
101      */
102     private static final int RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 2000;
104     @Override
105     public boolean update(Engine engine) throws UpdateException {
106         this.settings = engine.getSettings();
107         this.cveDb = engine.getDatabase();
108         if (isUpdateConfiguredFalse()) {
109             return false;
110         }
111         dbProperties = cveDb.getDatabaseProperties();
113         final String nvdDataFeedUrl = settings.getString(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_DATAFEED_URL);
114         if (nvdDataFeedUrl != null) {
115             return processDatafeed(nvdDataFeedUrl);
116         }
117         return processApi();
118     }
120     protected UrlData extractUrlData(String nvdDataFeedUrl) {
121         String url;
122         String pattern = null;
123         if (nvdDataFeedUrl.endsWith(".json.gz")) {
124             final int lio = nvdDataFeedUrl.lastIndexOf("/");
125             pattern = nvdDataFeedUrl.substring(lio + 1);
126             url = nvdDataFeedUrl.substring(0, lio);
127         } else {
128             url = nvdDataFeedUrl;
129         }
130         if (!url.endsWith("/")) {
131             url += "/";
132         }
133         return new UrlData(url, pattern);
134     }
136     private boolean processDatafeed(String nvdDataFeedUrl) throws UpdateException {
137         boolean updatesMade = false;
138         try {
139             dbProperties = cveDb.getDatabaseProperties();
140             if (checkUpdate()) {
141                 final UrlData data = extractUrlData(nvdDataFeedUrl);
142                 final String url = data.getUrl();
143                 String pattern = data.getPattern();
144                 final Properties cacheProperties = getRemoteCacheProperties(url, pattern);
145                 if (pattern == null) {
146                     final String prefix = cacheProperties.getProperty("prefix", "nvdcve-");
147                     pattern = prefix + "{0}.json.gz";
148                 }
150                 final ZonedDateTime now ="UTC"));
151                 final Map<String, String> updateable = getUpdatesNeeded(url, pattern, cacheProperties, now);
152                 if (!updateable.isEmpty()) {
153                     final int max = settings.getInt(Settings.KEYS.MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, 1);
154                     final int downloadPoolSize = Math.min(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), max);
155                     // going over 2 threads does not appear to improve performance
156                     final int maxExec = PROCESSING_THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
157                     final int execPoolSize = Math.min(maxExec, 2);
159                     ExecutorService processingExecutorService = null;
160                     ExecutorService downloadExecutorService = null;
161                     try {
162                         downloadExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(downloadPoolSize);
163                         processingExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(execPoolSize);
165                         DownloadTask runLast = null;
166                         final Set<Future<Future<NvdApiProcessor>>> downloadFutures = new HashSet<>(updateable.size());
167                         runLast = startDownloads(updateable, processingExecutorService, runLast, downloadFutures, downloadExecutorService);
169                         //complete downloads
170                         final Set<Future<NvdApiProcessor>> processFutures = new HashSet<>(updateable.size());
171                         for (Future<Future<NvdApiProcessor>> future : downloadFutures) {
172                             processDownload(future, processFutures);
173                         }
174                         //process the data
175                         processFuture(processFutures);
176                         processFutures.clear();
178                         //download and process the modified as the last entry
179                         if (runLast != null) {
180                             final Future<Future<NvdApiProcessor>> modified = downloadExecutorService.submit(runLast);
181                             processDownload(modified, processFutures);
182                             processFuture(processFutures);
183                         }
185                     } finally {
186                         if (processingExecutorService != null) {
187                             processingExecutorService.shutdownNow();
188                         }
189                         if (downloadExecutorService != null) {
190                             downloadExecutorService.shutdownNow();
191                         }
192                     }
193                     updatesMade = true;
194                 }
195                 storeLastModifiedDates(now, cacheProperties, updateable);
196                 if (updatesMade) {
197                     cveDb.persistEcosystemCache();
198                 }
199                 final int updateCount = cveDb.updateEcosystemCache();
200                 LOGGER.debug("Corrected the ecosystem for {} ecoSystemCache entries", updateCount);
201                 if (updatesMade || updateCount > 0) {
202                     cveDb.cleanupDatabase();
203                 }
204             }
205         } catch (UpdateException ex) {
206             if (ex.getCause() != null && ex.getCause() instanceof DownloadFailedException) {
207                 final String jre = System.getProperty("java.version");
208                 if (jre == null || jre.startsWith("1.4") || jre.startsWith("1.5") || jre.startsWith("1.6") || jre.startsWith("1.7")) {
209                     LOGGER.error("An old JRE is being used ({} {}), and likely does not have the correct root certificates or algorithms "
210                             + "to connect to the NVD - consider upgrading your JRE.", System.getProperty("java.vendor"), jre);
211                 }
212             }
213             throw ex;
214         } catch (DatabaseException ex) {
215             throw new UpdateException("Database Exception, unable to update the data to use the most current data.", ex);
216         }
217         return updatesMade;
218     }
220     private void storeLastModifiedDates(final ZonedDateTime now, final Properties cacheProperties,
221             final Map<String, String> updateable) throws UpdateException {
223         final ZonedDateTime lastModifiedRequest = DatabaseProperties.getTimestamp(cacheProperties,
224                 NVD_API_CACHE_MODIFIED_DATE + ".modified");
225, now);
226, lastModifiedRequest);
227         //allow users to initially load from a cache but then use the API - this may happen with the GH Action
228, now);
229, lastModifiedRequest);
231         for (String entry : updateable.keySet()) {
232             final ZonedDateTime date = DatabaseProperties.getTimestamp(cacheProperties, NVD_API_CACHE_MODIFIED_DATE + "." + entry);
233    + "." + entry, date);
234         }
235     }
237     private DownloadTask startDownloads(final Map<String, String> updateable, ExecutorService processingExecutorService, DownloadTask runLast,
238             final Set<Future<Future<NvdApiProcessor>>> downloadFutures, ExecutorService downloadExecutorService) throws UpdateException {
239         DownloadTask lastCall = runLast;
240         for (Map.Entry<String, String> cve : updateable.entrySet()) {
241             final DownloadTask call = new DownloadTask(cve.getValue(), processingExecutorService, cveDb, settings);
242             if (call.isModified()) {
243                 lastCall = call;
244             } else {
245                 final boolean added = downloadFutures.add(downloadExecutorService.submit(call));
246                 if (!added) {
247                     throw new UpdateException("Unable to add the download task for " + cve);
248                 }
249             }
250         }
251         return lastCall;
252     }
254     private void processFuture(final Set<Future<NvdApiProcessor>> processFutures) throws UpdateException {
255         //complete processing
256         for (Future<NvdApiProcessor> future : processFutures) {
257             try {
258                 final NvdApiProcessor task = future.get();
259             } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
260                 LOGGER.debug("Thread was interrupted during processing", ex);
261                 Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
262                 throw new UpdateException(ex);
263             } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
264                 LOGGER.debug("Execution Exception during process", ex);
265                 throw new UpdateException(ex);
266             }
267         }
268     }
270     private void processDownload(Future<Future<NvdApiProcessor>> future, final Set<Future<NvdApiProcessor>> processFutures) throws UpdateException {
271         final Future<NvdApiProcessor> task;
272         try {
273             task = future.get();
274             if (task != null) {
275                 processFutures.add(task);
276             }
277         } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
278             LOGGER.debug("Thread was interrupted during download", ex);
279             Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
280             throw new UpdateException("The download was interrupted", ex);
281         } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
282             LOGGER.debug("Thread was interrupted during download execution", ex);
283             throw new UpdateException("The execution of the download was interrupted", ex);
284         }
285     }
287     private boolean processApi() throws UpdateException {
288         final ZonedDateTime lastChecked = dbProperties.getTimestamp(DatabaseProperties.NVD_API_LAST_CHECKED);
289         final int validForHours = settings.getInt(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_VALID_FOR_HOURS, 0);
290         if (cveDb.dataExists() && lastChecked != null && validForHours > 0) {
291             // ms Valid = valid (hours) x 60 min/hour x 60 sec/min x 1000 ms/sec
292             final long validForSeconds = validForHours * 60L * 60L;
293             final ZonedDateTime now ="UTC"));
294             final Duration duration = Duration.between(lastChecked, now);
295             final long difference = duration.getSeconds();
296             if (difference < validForSeconds) {
297       "Skipping the NVD API Update as it was completed within the last {} minutes", validForSeconds / 60);
298                 return false;
299             }
300         }
302         ZonedDateTime lastModifiedRequest = dbProperties.getTimestamp(DatabaseProperties.NVD_API_LAST_MODIFIED);
303         final NvdCveClientBuilder builder = NvdCveClientBuilder.aNvdCveApi();
304         final String endpoint = settings.getString(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_ENDPOINT);
305         if (endpoint != null) {
306             builder.withEndpoint(endpoint);
307         }
308         if (lastModifiedRequest != null) {
309             final ZonedDateTime end = lastModifiedRequest.minusDays(-120);
310             builder.withLastModifiedFilter(lastModifiedRequest, end);
311         }
312         final String key = settings.getString(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_KEY);
313         if (key != null) {
314             //using a higher delay as the system may not be able to process these faster.
315             builder.withApiKey(key)
316                     .withDelay(5000)
317                     .withThreadCount(4);
318         } else {
319             LOGGER.warn("An NVD API Key was not provided - it is highly recommended to use "
320                     + "an NVD API key as the update can take a VERY long time without an API Key");
321             builder.withDelay(10000);
322         }
324         final int resultsPerPage = Math.min(settings.getInt(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_RESULTS_PER_PAGE, RESULTS_PER_PAGE), RESULTS_PER_PAGE);
326         builder.withResultsPerPage(resultsPerPage);
327         //removed due to the virtualMatch filter causing overhead with the NVD API
328         //final String virtualMatch = settings.getString(Settings.KEYS.CVE_CPE_STARTS_WITH_FILTER);
329         //if (virtualMatch != null) {
330         //    builder.withVirtualMatchString(virtualMatch);
331         //}
333         final int retryCount = settings.getInt(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_MAX_RETRY_COUNT, 10);
334         builder.withMaxRetryCount(retryCount);
335         long delay = 0;
336         try {
337             delay = settings.getLong(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_DELAY);
338         } catch (InvalidSettingException ex) {
339             LOGGER.warn("Invalid setting `NVD_API_DELAY`? ({}), using default delay", settings.getString(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_DELAY));
340         }
341         if (delay > 0) {
342             builder.withDelay(delay);
343         }
345         ExecutorService processingExecutorService = null;
346         try {
347             processingExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(PROCESSING_THREAD_POOL_SIZE);
348             final List<Future<NvdApiProcessor>> submitted = new ArrayList<>();
349             int max = -1;
350             int ctr = 0;
351             try (NvdCveClient api = {
352                 while (api.hasNext()) {
353                     final Collection<DefCveItem> items =;
354                     max = api.getTotalAvailable();
355                     if (ctr == 0) {
356               "NVD API has %,d records in this update", max));
357                     }
358                     if (items != null && !items.isEmpty()) {
359                         final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
360                         objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
361                         final File outputFile = settings.getTempFile("nvd-data-", ".jsonarray.gz");
362                         try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); GZIPOutputStream out = new GZIPOutputStream(fos);) {
363                             objectMapper.writeValue(out, items);
364                             final Future<NvdApiProcessor> f = processingExecutorService.submit(new NvdApiProcessor(cveDb, outputFile));
365                             submitted.add(f);
366                         }
367                         ctr += 1;
368                         if ((ctr % 5) == 0) {
369                             //TODO get results per page from the API as it could adjust automatically
370                             final double percent = (double) (ctr * resultsPerPage) / max * 100;
371                             if (percent < 100) {
372                       "Downloaded %,d/%,d (%.0f%%)", ctr * resultsPerPage, max, percent));
373                             }
374                         }
375                     }
376                     final ZonedDateTime last = api.getLastUpdated();
377                     if (last != null && (lastModifiedRequest == null || lastModifiedRequest.compareTo(last) < 0)) {
378                         lastModifiedRequest = last;
379                     }
380                 }
382             } catch (Exception e) {
383                 if (e instanceof NvdApiException && (e.getMessage().equals("NVD Returned Status Code: 404")
384                         || e.getMessage().equals("NVD Returned Status Code: 403"))) {
385                     final String msg;
386                     if (key != null) {
387                         msg = "Error updating the NVD Data; the NVD returned a 403 or 404 error\n\nPlease ensure your API Key is valid; "
388                                 + "see\n\n"
389                                 + "If your NVD API Key is valid try increasing the NVD API Delay.\n\n"
390                                 + "If this is occurring in a CI environment";
391                     } else {
392                         msg = "Error updating the NVD Data; the NVD returned a 403 or 404 error\n\nConsider using an NVD API Key; "
393                                 + "see";
394                     }
395                     throw new UpdateException(msg);
396                 } else {
397                     throw new UpdateException("Error updating the NVD Data", e);
398                 }
399             }
400   "Downloaded %,d/%,d (%.0f%%)", max, max, 100f));
401             max = submitted.size();
402             final boolean updated = max > 0;
403             ctr = 0;
404             for (Future<NvdApiProcessor> f : submitted) {
405                 try {
406                     final NvdApiProcessor proc = f.get();
407                     ctr += 1;
408                     final double percent = (double) ctr / max * 100;
409           "Completed processing batch %d/%d (%.0f%%) in %,dms", ctr, max, percent, proc.getDurationMillis()));
410                 } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
411                     Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
412                     throw new RuntimeException(ex);
413                 } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
414                     LOGGER.error("Exception processing NVD API Results", ex);
415                     throw new RuntimeException(ex);
416                 }
417             }
418             if (lastModifiedRequest != null) {
419       ,;
420       , lastModifiedRequest);
421             }
422             return updated;
423         } finally {
424             if (processingExecutorService != null) {
425                 processingExecutorService.shutdownNow();
426             }
427         }
428     }
430     /**
431      * Checks if the system is configured NOT to update.
432      *
433      * @return false if the system is configured to perform an update; otherwise
434      * true
435      */
436     private boolean isUpdateConfiguredFalse() {
437         if (!settings.getBoolean(Settings.KEYS.UPDATE_NVDCVE_ENABLED, true)) {
438             return true;
439         }
440         boolean autoUpdate = true;
441         try {
442             autoUpdate = settings.getBoolean(Settings.KEYS.AUTO_UPDATE);
443         } catch (InvalidSettingException ex) {
444             LOGGER.debug("Invalid setting for auto-update; using true.");
445         }
446         return !autoUpdate;
447     }
449     @Override
450     public boolean purge(Engine engine) {
451         boolean result = true;
452         try {
453             final File dataDir = engine.getSettings().getDataDirectory();
454             final File db = new File(dataDir, engine.getSettings().getString(Settings.KEYS.DB_FILE_NAME, ""));
455             if (db.exists()) {
456                 if (db.delete()) {
457           "Database file purged; local copy of the NVD has been removed");
458                 } else {
459                     LOGGER.error("Unable to delete '{}'; please delete the file manually", db.getAbsolutePath());
460                     result = false;
461                 }
462             } else {
463       "Unable to purge database; the database file does not exist: {}", db.getAbsolutePath());
464                 result = false;
465             }
466             final File traceFile = new File(dataDir, "odc.trace.db");
467             if (traceFile.exists() && !traceFile.delete()) {
468                 LOGGER.error("Unable to delete '{}'; please delete the file manually", traceFile.getAbsolutePath());
469                 result = false;
470             }
471             final File lockFile = new File(dataDir, "odc.update.lock");
472             if (lockFile.exists() && !lockFile.delete()) {
473                 LOGGER.error("Unable to delete '{}'; please delete the file manually", lockFile.getAbsolutePath());
474                 result = false;
475             }
476         } catch (IOException ex) {
477             final String msg = "Unable to delete the database";
478             LOGGER.error(msg, ex);
479             result = false;
480         }
481         return result;
482     }
484     /**
485      * Checks if the NVD API Cache JSON files were last checked recently. As an
486      * optimization, we can avoid repetitive checks against the NVD cache.
487      *
488      * @return true to proceed with the check, or false to skip
489      * @throws UpdateException thrown when there is an issue checking for
490      * updates
491      */
492     private boolean checkUpdate() throws UpdateException {
493         boolean proceed = true;
494         // If the valid setting has not been specified, then we proceed to check...
495         final int validForHours = settings.getInt(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_VALID_FOR_HOURS, 0);
496         if (dataExists() && 0 < validForHours) {
497             // ms Valid = valid (hours) x 60 min/hour x 60 sec/min x 1000 ms/sec
498             final long validForSeconds = validForHours * 60L * 60L;
499             final ZonedDateTime lastChecked = dbProperties.getTimestamp(DatabaseProperties.NVD_CACHE_LAST_CHECKED);
500             if (lastChecked != null) {
501                 final ZonedDateTime now ="UTC"));
502                 final Duration duration = Duration.between(lastChecked, now);
503                 final long difference = duration.getSeconds();
504                 proceed = difference > validForSeconds;
505                 if (!proceed) {
506           "Skipping NVD API Cache check since last check was within {} hours.", validForHours);
507                     LOGGER.debug("Last NVD API was at {}, and now {} is within {} s.", lastChecked, now, validForSeconds);
508                 }
509             } else {
510                 LOGGER.warn("NVD cache last checked not present; updating the entire database. This could occur if you are "
511                         + "switching back and forth from using the API vs a datafeed or if you are using a database created prior to ODC 9.x");
512             }
513         }
514         return proceed;
515     }
517     /**
518      * Checks the CVE Index to ensure data exists and analysis can continue.
519      *
520      * @return true if the database contains data
521      */
522     private boolean dataExists() {
523         return cveDb.dataExists();
524     }
526     /**
527      * Determines if the index needs to be updated. This is done by fetching the
528      * NVD CVE meta data and checking the last update date. If the data needs to
529      * be refreshed this method will return the NvdCveUrl for the files that
530      * need to be updated.
531      *
532      * @param url the URL of the NVD API cache
533      * @param filePattern the string format pattern for the cached files (e.g.
534      * "nvdcve-{0}.json.gz")
535      * @param cacheProperties the properties from the remote NVD API cache
536      * @param now the start time of the update process
537      * @return the map of key to URLs - where the key is the year or `modified`
538      * @throws UpdateException Is thrown if there is an issue with the last
539      * updated properties file
540      */
541     protected final Map<String, String> getUpdatesNeeded(String url, String filePattern,
542             Properties cacheProperties, ZonedDateTime now) throws UpdateException {
543         LOGGER.debug("starting getUpdatesNeeded() ...");
544         final Map<String, String> updates = new HashMap<>();
545         if (dbProperties != null && !dbProperties.isEmpty()) {
546             final int startYear = settings.getInt(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_DATAFEED_START_YEAR, 2002);
547             // for establishing the current year use the timezone where the new year starts first
548             // as from that moment on CNAs might start assigning CVEs with the new year depending
549             // on the CNA's timezone
550             final int endYear = now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("UTC+14:00")).getYear();
551             boolean needsFullUpdate = false;
552             for (int y = startYear; y <= endYear; y++) {
553                 final ZonedDateTime val = dbProperties.getTimestamp(DatabaseProperties.NVD_CACHE_LAST_MODIFIED + "." + y);
554                 if (val == null) {
555                     needsFullUpdate = true;
556                     break;
557                 }
558             }
559             final ZonedDateTime lastUpdated = dbProperties.getTimestamp(DatabaseProperties.NVD_CACHE_LAST_MODIFIED);
560             final int days = settings.getInt(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_DATAFEED_VALID_FOR_DAYS, 7);
562             if (!needsFullUpdate && lastUpdated.equals(DatabaseProperties.getTimestamp(cacheProperties, NVD_API_CACHE_MODIFIED_DATE))) {
563                 return updates;
564             } else {
565                 updates.put("modified", url + MessageFormat.format(filePattern, "modified"));
566                 if (needsFullUpdate) {
567                     for (int i = startYear; i <= endYear; i++) {
568                         if (cacheProperties.containsKey(NVD_API_CACHE_MODIFIED_DATE + "." + i)) {
569                             updates.put(String.valueOf(i), url + MessageFormat.format(filePattern, String.valueOf(i)));
570                         }
571                     }
572                 } else if (!DateUtil.withinDateRange(lastUpdated, now, days)) {
573                     for (int i = startYear; i <= endYear; i++) {
574                         if (cacheProperties.containsKey(NVD_API_CACHE_MODIFIED_DATE + "." + i)) {
575                             final ZonedDateTime lastModifiedCache = DatabaseProperties.getTimestamp(cacheProperties,
576                                     NVD_API_CACHE_MODIFIED_DATE + "." + i);
577                             final ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDB = dbProperties.getTimestamp(DatabaseProperties.NVD_CACHE_LAST_MODIFIED + "." + i);
578                             if (lastModifiedDB == null || lastModifiedCache.compareTo(lastModifiedDB) > 0) {
579                                 updates.put(String.valueOf(i), url + MessageFormat.format(filePattern, String.valueOf(i)));
580                             }
581                         }
582                     }
583                 }
584             }
585         }
586         if (updates.size() > 3) {
587   "NVD API Cache requires several updates; this could take a couple of minutes.");
588         }
589         return updates;
590     }
592     /**
593      * Downloads the metadata properties of the NVD API cache.
594      *
595      * @param url the base URL to the NVD API cache
596      * @param pattern the pattern of the datafile name for the NVD API cache
597      * @return the cache properties
598      * @throws UpdateException thrown if the properties file could not be
599      * downloaded
600      */
601     protected final Properties getRemoteCacheProperties(String url, String pattern) throws UpdateException {
602         final Properties properties = new Properties();
603         try {
604             final URL u = new URI(url + "").toURL();
605             final String content = Downloader.getInstance().fetchContent(u, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
606             properties.load(new StringReader(content));
608         } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
609             throw new UpdateException("Invalid NVD Cache URL", ex);
610         } catch (DownloadFailedException | ResourceNotFoundException ex) {
611             final String metaPattern;
612             if (pattern == null) {
613                 metaPattern = "nvdcve-{0}.meta";
614             } else {
615                 metaPattern = pattern.replace(".json.gz", ".meta");
616             }
617             try {
618                 URL metaUrl = new URI(url + MessageFormat.format(metaPattern, "modified")).toURL();
619                 String content = Downloader.getInstance().fetchContent(metaUrl, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
620                 final Properties props = new Properties();
621                 props.load(new StringReader(content));
622                 ZonedDateTime lmd = DatabaseProperties.getIsoTimestamp(props, "lastModifiedDate");
623                 DatabaseProperties.setTimestamp(properties, "lastModifiedDate.modified", lmd);
624                 DatabaseProperties.setTimestamp(properties, "lastModifiedDate", lmd);
625                 final int startYear = settings.getInt(Settings.KEYS.NVD_API_DATAFEED_START_YEAR, 2002);
626                 final ZonedDateTime now ="UTC"));
627                 final int endYear = now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("UTC+14:00")).getYear();
628                 for (int y = startYear; y <= endYear; y++) {
629                     metaUrl = new URI(url + MessageFormat.format(metaPattern, String.valueOf(y))).toURL();
630                     content = Downloader.getInstance().fetchContent(metaUrl, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
631                     props.clear();
632                     props.load(new StringReader(content));
633                     lmd = DatabaseProperties.getIsoTimestamp(props, "lastModifiedDate");
634                     DatabaseProperties.setTimestamp(properties, "lastModifiedDate." + String.valueOf(y), lmd);
635                 }
636             } catch (URISyntaxException | TooManyRequestsException | ResourceNotFoundException | IOException ex1) {
637                 throw new UpdateException("Unable to download the data feed META files", ex);
638             }
639         } catch (TooManyRequestsException ex) {
640             throw new UpdateException("Unable to download the NVD API", ex);
641         } catch (IOException ex) {
642             throw new UpdateException("Invalid NVD Cache Properties file contents", ex);
643         }
644         return properties;
645     }
647     protected static class UrlData {
649         /**
650          * The URL to download resources from.
651          */
652         private final String url;
654         /**
655          * The pattern to construct the file names for resources from.
656          */
657         private final String pattern;
659         public UrlData(String url, String pattern) {
660             this.url = url;
661             this.pattern = pattern;
662         }
664         /**
665          * Get the value of pattern
666          *
667          * @return the value of pattern
668          */
669         public String getPattern() {
670             return pattern;
671         }
673         /**
674          * Get the value of url
675          *
676          * @return the value of url
677          */
678         public String getUrl() {
679             return url;
680         }
682     }
683 }