View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * This file is part of dependency-check-utils.
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   *
16   * Copyright (c) 2012 Jeremy Long. All Rights Reserved.
17   */
18  package org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils;
20  import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
21  import org.slf4j.Logger;
22  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
24  import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
25  import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
27  import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
28  import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
30  import;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
36  import;
37  import;
38  import;
39  import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
40  import;
41  import java.util.ArrayList;
42  import java.util.Arrays;
43  import java.util.Enumeration;
44  import java.util.List;
45  import java.util.Properties;
46  import java.util.UUID;
47  import java.util.function.Predicate;
48  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
49  import;
51  /**
52   * A simple settings container that wraps the file.
53   *
54   * @author Jeremy Long
55   * @version $Id: $Id
56   */
57  public final class Settings {
59      /**
60       * The logger.
61       */
62      private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Settings.class);
63      /**
64       * The properties file location.
65       */
66      private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "";
67      /**
68       * Array separator.
69       */
70      private static final String ARRAY_SEP = ",";
71      /**
72       * The properties.
73       */
74      private Properties props = null;
75      /**
76       * The collection of properties that should be masked when logged.
77       */
78      private List<Predicate<String>> maskedKeys;
79      /**
80       * A reference to the temporary directory; used in case it needs to be
81       * deleted during cleanup.
82       */
83      private File tempDirectory = null;
85      /**
86       * Reference to a utility class used to convert objects to json.
87       */
88      private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
90      //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="KEYS used to access settings">
91      /**
92       * The collection of keys used within the properties file.
93       */
94      //suppress hard-coded password rule
95      @SuppressWarnings("squid:S2068")
96      public static final class KEYS {
98          /**
99           * The key to obtain the application name.
100          */
101         public static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "";
102         /**
103          * The key to obtain the application version.
104          */
105         public static final String APPLICATION_VERSION = "odc.application.version";
106         /**
107          * The key to obtain the URL to retrieve the current release version
108          * from.
109          */
110         public static final String ENGINE_VERSION_CHECK_URL = "engine.version.url";
111         /**
112          * The properties key indicating whether or not the cached data sources
113          * should be updated.
114          */
115         public static final String AUTO_UPDATE = "odc.autoupdate";
116         /**
117          * The database driver class name. If this is not in the properties file
118          * the embedded database is used.
119          */
120         public static final String DB_DRIVER_NAME = "data.driver_name";
121         /**
122          * The database driver class name. If this is not in the properties file
123          * the embedded database is used.
124          */
125         public static final String DB_DRIVER_PATH = "data.driver_path";
126         /**
127          * The database connection string. If this is not in the properties file
128          * the embedded database is used.
129          */
130         public static final String DB_CONNECTION_STRING = "data.connection_string";
131         /**
132          * The username to use when connecting to the database.
133          */
134         public static final String DB_USER = "data.user";
135         /**
136          * The password to authenticate to the database.
137          */
138         public static final String DB_PASSWORD = "data.password";
139         /**
140          * The base path to use for the data directory (for embedded db and
141          * other cached resources from the Internet).
142          */
143         public static final String DATA_DIRECTORY = "";
144         /**
145          * The base path to use for the H2 data directory (for embedded db).
146          */
147         public static final String H2_DATA_DIRECTORY = "";
148         /**
149          * The database file name.
150          */
151         public static final String DB_FILE_NAME = "data.file_name";
152         /**
153          * The database schema version.
154          */
155         public static final String DB_VERSION = "data.version";
156         /**
157          * The starts with filter used to exclude CVE entries from the database.
158          * By default this is set to 'cpe:2.3:a:' which limits the CVEs imported
159          * to just those that are related to applications. If this were set to
160          * just 'cpe:2.3:' the OS, hardware, and application related CVEs would
161          * be imported.
162          */
163         public static final String CVE_CPE_STARTS_WITH_FILTER = "cve.cpe.startswith.filter";
164         /**
165          * The NVD API Endpoint.
166          */
167         public static final String NVD_API_ENDPOINT = "nvd.api.endpoint";
168         /**
169          * API Key for the NVD API.
170          */
171         public static final String NVD_API_KEY = "nvd.api.key";
172         /**
173          * The delay between requests for the NVD API.
174          */
175         public static final String NVD_API_DELAY = "nvd.api.delay";
176         /**
177          * The maximum number of retry requests for a single call to the NVD
178          * API.
179          */
180         public static final String NVD_API_MAX_RETRY_COUNT = "nvd.api.max.retry.count";
181         /**
182          * The properties key to control the skipping of the check for NVD
183          * updates.
184          */
185         public static final String NVD_API_VALID_FOR_HOURS = "nvd.api.check.validforhours";
186         /**
187          * The properties key to control the results per page lower than NVD's default of 2000
188          * See #6863 for the rationale on allowing lower configurations.
189          */
190         public static final String NVD_API_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = "";
191         /**
192          * The properties key that indicates how often the NVD API data feed
193          * needs to be updated before a full refresh is evaluated.
194          */
195         public static final String NVD_API_DATAFEED_VALID_FOR_DAYS = "nvd.api.datafeed.validfordays";
196         /**
197          * The URL for the NVD API Data Feed.
198          */
199         public static final String NVD_API_DATAFEED_URL = "nvd.api.datafeed.url";
200         /**
201          * The username to use when connecting to the NVD Data feed.
202          * For use when NVD API Data is hosted as datafeeds locally on a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication.
203          */
204         public static final String NVD_API_DATAFEED_USER = "nvd.api.datafeed.user";
205         /**
206          * The password to authenticate to the NVD Data feed.
207          * For use when NVD API Data is hosted as datafeeds locally on a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication.
208          */
209         public static final String NVD_API_DATAFEED_PASSWORD = "nvd.api.datafeed.password";
210         /**
211          * The token to authenticate to the NVD Data feed.
212          * For use when NVD API Data is hosted as datafeeds locally on a site requiring HTTP-Bearer-authentication.
213          */
214         public static final String NVD_API_DATAFEED_BEARER_TOKEN = "nvd.api.datafeed.bearertoken";
215         /**
216          * The starting year for the NVD CVE Data feed cache.
217          */
218         public static final String NVD_API_DATAFEED_START_YEAR = "nvd.api.datafeed.startyear";
219         //END NEW
220         /**
221          * The key to determine if the NVD CVE analyzer is enabled.
222          */
223         public static final String ANALYZER_NVD_CVE_ENABLED = "analyzer.nvdcve.enabled";
224         /**
225          * The properties key that indicates how often the CPE data needs to be
226          * updated.
227          */
228         public static final String CPE_MODIFIED_VALID_FOR_DAYS = "cpe.validfordays";
229         /**
230          * The properties key for the URL to retrieve the CPE.
231          */
232         public static final String CPE_URL = "cpe.url";
233         /**
234          * The properties key for the URL to retrieve the Known Exploited
235          * Vulnerabilities..
236          */
237         public static final String KEV_URL = "kev.url";
239         /**
240          * The properties key for the hosted suppressions username.
241          * For use when hosted suppressions are mirrored locally on a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication
242          */
243         public static final String KEV_USER = "kev.user";
245         /**
246          * The properties key for the hosted suppressions password.
247          * For use when hosted suppressions are mirrored locally on a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication
248          */
249         public static final String KEV_PASSWORD = "kev.password";
251         /**
252          * The properties key for the hosted suppressions bearertoken.
253          * For use when hosted suppressions are mirrored locally on a site requiring HTTP-Bearer-authentication
254          */
255         public static final String KEV_BEARER_TOKEN = "kev.bearertoken";
257         /**
258          * The properties key to control the skipping of the check for Known
259          * Exploited Vulnerabilities updates.
260          */
261         public static final String KEV_CHECK_VALID_FOR_HOURS = "kev.check.validforhours";
262         /**
263          * Whether or not if using basic auth with a proxy the system setting
264          * 'jdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes' should be set to an empty
265          * string.
266          */
267         public static final String PROXY_DISABLE_SCHEMAS = "proxy.disableSchemas";
268         /**
269          * The properties key for the proxy server.
270          */
271         public static final String PROXY_SERVER = "proxy.server";
272         /**
273          * The properties key for the proxy port - this must be an integer
274          * value.
275          */
276         public static final String PROXY_PORT = "proxy.port";
277         /**
278          * The properties key for the proxy username.
279          */
280         public static final String PROXY_USERNAME = "proxy.username";
281         /**
282          * The properties key for the proxy password.
283          */
284         public static final String PROXY_PASSWORD = "proxy.password";
285         /**
286          * The properties key for the non proxy hosts.
287          */
288         public static final String PROXY_NON_PROXY_HOSTS = "proxy.nonproxyhosts";
289         /**
290          * The properties key for the connection timeout.
291          */
292         public static final String CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "connection.timeout";
293         /**
294          * The properties key for the connection read timeout.
295          */
296         public static final String CONNECTION_READ_TIMEOUT = "";
297         /**
298          * The location of the temporary directory.
299          */
300         public static final String TEMP_DIRECTORY = "";
301         /**
302          * The maximum number of threads to allocate when downloading files.
303          */
304         public static final String MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = "";
305         /**
306          * The properties key for the analysis timeout.
307          */
308         public static final String ANALYSIS_TIMEOUT = "odc.analysis.timeout";
309         /**
310          * The key for the suppression file.
311          */
312         public static final String SUPPRESSION_FILE = "suppression.file";
313         /**
314          * The properties key for the username used when connecting to the suppressionFiles.
315          * For use when your suppressionFiles are hosted on a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication.
316          */
317         public static final String SUPPRESSION_FILE_USER = "suppression.file.user";
318         /**
319          * The properties key for the password used when connecting to the suppressionFiles.
320          * For use when your suppressionFiles are hosted on a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication.
321          */
322         public static final String SUPPRESSION_FILE_PASSWORD = "suppression.file.password";
323         /**
324          * The properties key for the token used when connecting to the suppressionFiles.
325          * For use when your suppressionFiles are hosted on a site requiring HTTP-Bearer-authentication.
326          */
327         public static final String SUPPRESSION_FILE_BEARER_TOKEN = "suppression.file.bearertoken";
328         /**
329          * The key for the whether the hosted suppressions file datasource is
330          * enabled.
331          */
332         public static final String HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_ENABLED = "hosted.suppressions.enabled";
333         /**
334          * The key for the hosted suppressions file URL.
335          */
336         public static final String HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_URL = "hosted.suppressions.url";
338         /**
339          * The properties key for the hosted suppressions username.
340          * For use when hosted suppressions are mirrored locally on a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication
341          */
342         public static final String HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_USER = "hosted.suppressions.user";
344         /**
345          * The properties key for the hosted suppressions password.
346          * For use when hosted suppressions are mirrored locally on a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication
347          */
348         public static final String HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_PASSWORD = "hosted.suppressions.password";
350         /**
351          * The properties key for the hosted suppressions bearer token.
352          * For use when hosted suppressions are mirrored locally on a site requiring HTTP-Bearer-authentication
353          */
354         public static final String HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_BEARER_TOKEN = "hosted.suppressions.bearertoken";
356         /**
357          * The properties key for defining whether the hosted suppressions file
358          * will be updated regardless of the autoupdate settings.
359          */
360         public static final String HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_FORCEUPDATE = "hosted.suppressions.forceupdate";
362         /**
363          * The properties key to control the skipping of the check for hosted
364          * suppressions file updates.
365          */
366         public static final String HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_VALID_FOR_HOURS = "hosted.suppressions.validforhours";
368         /**
369          * The key for the hint file.
370          */
371         public static final String HINTS_FILE = "hints.file";
372         /**
373          * The key for the property that controls what CVSS scores are
374          * considered failing test cases for the JUNIT repor.
375          */
376         public static final String JUNIT_FAIL_ON_CVSS = "";
378         /**
379          * The properties key for whether the Jar Analyzer is enabled.
380          */
381         public static final String ANALYZER_JAR_ENABLED = "analyzer.jar.enabled";
383         /**
384          * The properties key for whether the Known Exploited Vulnerability
385          * Analyzer is enabled.
386          */
387         public static final String ANALYZER_KNOWN_EXPLOITED_ENABLED = "analyzer.knownexploited.enabled";
389         /**
390          * The properties key for whether experimental analyzers are loaded.
391          */
392         public static final String ANALYZER_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLED = "analyzer.experimental.enabled";
393         /**
394          * The properties key for whether experimental analyzers are loaded.
395          */
396         public static final String ANALYZER_RETIRED_ENABLED = "analyzer.retired.enabled";
397         /**
398          * The properties key for whether the Archive analyzer is enabled.
399          */
400         public static final String ANALYZER_ARCHIVE_ENABLED = "analyzer.archive.enabled";
401         /**
402          * The properties key for whether the node.js package analyzer is
403          * enabled.
404          */
405         public static final String ANALYZER_NODE_PACKAGE_ENABLED = "analyzer.node.package.enabled";
406         /**
407          * The properties key for configure whether the Node Package analyzer
408          * should skip devDependencies.
409          */
410         public static final String ANALYZER_NODE_PACKAGE_SKIPDEV = "analyzer.node.package.skipdev";
411         /**
412          * The properties key for whether the Node Audit analyzer is enabled.
413          */
414         public static final String ANALYZER_NODE_AUDIT_ENABLED = "analyzer.node.audit.enabled";
415         /**
416          * The properties key for whether the Yarn Audit analyzer is enabled.
417          */
418         public static final String ANALYZER_YARN_AUDIT_ENABLED = "analyzer.yarn.audit.enabled";
419         /**
420          * The properties key for whether the Pnpm Audit analyzer is enabled.
421          */
422         public static final String ANALYZER_PNPM_AUDIT_ENABLED = "analyzer.pnpm.audit.enabled";
423         /**
424          * The properties key for supplying the URL to the Node Audit API.
425          */
426         public static final String ANALYZER_NODE_AUDIT_URL = "analyzer.node.audit.url";
427         /**
428          * The properties key for configure whether the Node Audit analyzer
429          * should skip devDependencies.
430          */
431         public static final String ANALYZER_NODE_AUDIT_SKIPDEV = "analyzer.node.audit.skipdev";
432         /**
433          * The properties key for whether node audit analyzer results will be
434          * cached.
435          */
436         public static final String ANALYZER_NODE_AUDIT_USE_CACHE = "analyzer.node.audit.use.cache";
437         /**
438          * The properties key for whether the RetireJS analyzer is enabled.
439          */
440         public static final String ANALYZER_RETIREJS_ENABLED = "analyzer.retirejs.enabled";
441         /**
442          * The properties key for whether the RetireJS analyzer file content
443          * filters.
444          */
445         public static final String ANALYZER_RETIREJS_FILTERS = "analyzer.retirejs.filters";
446         /**
447          * The properties key for whether the RetireJS analyzer should filter
448          * out non-vulnerable dependencies.
449          */
450         public static final String ANALYZER_RETIREJS_FILTER_NON_VULNERABLE = "analyzer.retirejs.filternonvulnerable";
451         /**
452          * The properties key for defining the URL to the RetireJS repository.
453          */
454         public static final String ANALYZER_RETIREJS_REPO_JS_URL = "analyzer.retirejs.repo.js.url";
455         /**
456          * The properties key for the RetireJS Repository username.
457          * For use when the RetireJS Repository is mirrored on a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication.
458          */
459         public static final String ANALYZER_RETIREJS_REPO_JS_USER = "analyzer.retirejs.repo.js.username";
460         /**
461          * The properties key for the RetireJS Repository password.
462          * For use when the RetireJS Repository is mirrored on a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication.
463          */
464         public static final String ANALYZER_RETIREJS_REPO_JS_PASSWORD = "analyzer.retirejs.repo.js.password";
465         /**
466          * The properties key for the token to download the RetireJS JSON data from an HTTP-Bearer-auth protected location.
467          * For use when the RetireJS Repository is mirrored on a site requiring HTTP-Bearer-authentication.
468          */
469         public static final String ANALYZER_RETIREJS_REPO_JS_BEARER_TOKEN = "analyzer.retirejs.repo.js.bearertoken";
470         /**
471          * The properties key for defining whether the RetireJS repository will
472          * be updated regardless of the autoupdate settings.
473          */
474         public static final String ANALYZER_RETIREJS_FORCEUPDATE = "analyzer.retirejs.forceupdate";
475         /**
476          * The properties key to control the skipping of the check for CVE
477          * updates.
478          */
479         public static final String ANALYZER_RETIREJS_REPO_VALID_FOR_HOURS = "analyzer.retirejs.repo.validforhours";
480         /**
481          * The properties key for whether the PHP composer lock file analyzer is
482          * enabled.
483          */
484         public static final String ANALYZER_COMPOSER_LOCK_ENABLED = "analyzer.composer.lock.enabled";
485         /**
486          * The properties key for whether the PHP composer lock file analyzer
487          * should skip dev packages.
488          */
489         public static final String ANALYZER_COMPOSER_LOCK_SKIP_DEV = "analyzer.composer.lock.skipdev";
490         /**
491          * The properties key for whether the Perl CPAN file file analyzer is
492          * enabled.
493          */
494         public static final String ANALYZER_CPANFILE_ENABLED = "analyzer.cpanfile.enabled";
495         /**
496          * The properties key for whether the Python Distribution analyzer is
497          * enabled.
498          */
499         public static final String ANALYZER_PYTHON_DISTRIBUTION_ENABLED = "analyzer.python.distribution.enabled";
500         /**
501          * The properties key for whether the Python Package analyzer is
502          * enabled.
503          */
504         public static final String ANALYZER_PYTHON_PACKAGE_ENABLED = "analyzer.python.package.enabled";
505         /**
506          * The properties key for whether the Elixir mix audit analyzer is
507          * enabled.
508          */
509         public static final String ANALYZER_MIX_AUDIT_ENABLED = "analyzer.mix.audit.enabled";
510         /**
511          * The path to mix_audit, if available.
512          */
513         public static final String ANALYZER_MIX_AUDIT_PATH = "analyzer.mix.audit.path";
514         /**
515          * The properties key for whether the Golang Mod analyzer is enabled.
516          */
517         public static final String ANALYZER_GOLANG_MOD_ENABLED = "analyzer.golang.mod.enabled";
518         /**
519          * The path to go, if available.
520          */
521         public static final String ANALYZER_GOLANG_PATH = "analyzer.golang.path";
522         /**
523          * The path to go, if available.
524          */
525         public static final String ANALYZER_YARN_PATH = "analyzer.yarn.path";
526         /**
527          * The path to pnpm, if available.
528          */
529         public static final String ANALYZER_PNPM_PATH = "analyzer.pnpm.path";
530         /**
531          * The properties key for whether the Golang Dep analyzer is enabled.
532          */
533         public static final String ANALYZER_GOLANG_DEP_ENABLED = "analyzer.golang.dep.enabled";
534         /**
535          * The properties key for whether the Ruby Gemspec Analyzer is enabled.
536          */
537         public static final String ANALYZER_RUBY_GEMSPEC_ENABLED = "analyzer.ruby.gemspec.enabled";
538         /**
539          * The properties key for whether the Autoconf analyzer is enabled.
540          */
541         public static final String ANALYZER_AUTOCONF_ENABLED = "analyzer.autoconf.enabled";
542         /**
543          * The properties key for whether the maven_install.json analyzer is
544          * enabled.
545          */
546         public static final String ANALYZER_MAVEN_INSTALL_ENABLED = "analyzer.maveninstall.enabled";
547         /**
548          * The properties key for whether the pip analyzer is enabled.
549          */
550         public static final String ANALYZER_PIP_ENABLED = "analyzer.pip.enabled";
551         /**
552          * The properties key for whether the pipfile analyzer is enabled.
553          */
554         public static final String ANALYZER_PIPFILE_ENABLED = "analyzer.pipfile.enabled";
555         /**
556          * The properties key for whether the Poetry analyzer is enabled.
557          */
558         public static final String ANALYZER_POETRY_ENABLED = "analyzer.poetry.enabled";
559         /**
560          * The properties key for whether the CMake analyzer is enabled.
561          */
562         public static final String ANALYZER_CMAKE_ENABLED = "analyzer.cmake.enabled";
563         /**
564          * The properties key for whether the Ruby Bundler Audit analyzer is
565          * enabled.
566          */
567         public static final String ANALYZER_BUNDLE_AUDIT_ENABLED = "analyzer.bundle.audit.enabled";
568         /**
569          * The properties key for whether the .NET Assembly analyzer is enabled.
570          */
571         public static final String ANALYZER_ASSEMBLY_ENABLED = "analyzer.assembly.enabled";
572         /**
573          * The properties key for whether the .NET Nuspec analyzer is enabled.
574          */
575         public static final String ANALYZER_NUSPEC_ENABLED = "analyzer.nuspec.enabled";
576         /**
577          * The properties key for whether the .NET Nuget packages.config
578          * analyzer is enabled.
579          */
580         public static final String ANALYZER_NUGETCONF_ENABLED = "analyzer.nugetconf.enabled";
581         /**
582          * The properties key for whether the Libman analyzer is enabled.
583          */
584         public static final String ANALYZER_LIBMAN_ENABLED = "analyzer.libman.enabled";
585         /**
586          * The properties key for whether the .NET MSBuild Project analyzer is
587          * enabled.
588          */
589         public static final String ANALYZER_MSBUILD_PROJECT_ENABLED = "analyzer.msbuildproject.enabled";
590         /**
591          * The properties key for whether the Nexus analyzer is enabled.
592          */
593         public static final String ANALYZER_NEXUS_ENABLED = "";
594         /**
595          * The properties key for the Nexus search URL.
596          */
597         public static final String ANALYZER_NEXUS_URL = "";
598         /**
599          * The properties key for the Nexus search credentials username.
600          */
601         public static final String ANALYZER_NEXUS_USER = "";
602         /**
603          * The properties key for the Nexus search credentials password.
604          */
605         public static final String ANALYZER_NEXUS_PASSWORD = "";
606         /**
607          * The properties key for using the proxy to reach Nexus.
608          */
609         public static final String ANALYZER_NEXUS_USES_PROXY = "";
610         /**
611          * The properties key for whether the Artifactory analyzer is enabled.
612          */
613         public static final String ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_ENABLED = "analyzer.artifactory.enabled";
614         /**
615          * The properties key for the Artifactory search URL.
616          */
617         public static final String ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_URL = "analyzer.artifactory.url";
618         /**
619          * The properties key for the Artifactory username.
620          */
621         public static final String ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_API_USERNAME = "analyzer.artifactory.api.username";
622         /**
623          * The properties key for the Artifactory API token.
624          */
625         public static final String ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_API_TOKEN = "analyzer.artifactory.api.token";
626         /**
627          * The properties key for the Artifactory bearer token
628          * ( It can
629          * be generated using:
630          * <pre>curl -u yourUserName -X POST \
631          *    "" \
632          *    -d "username=yourUserName"</pre>.
633          */
634         public static final String ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_BEARER_TOKEN = "analyzer.artifactory.bearer.token";
635         /**
636          * The properties key for using the proxy to reach Artifactory.
637          */
638         public static final String ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_USES_PROXY = "analyzer.artifactory.proxy";
639         /**
640          * The properties key for whether the Artifactory analyzer should use
641          * parallel processing.
642          */
643         public static final String ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_PARALLEL_ANALYSIS = "analyzer.artifactory.parallel.analysis";
644         /**
645          * The properties key for whether the Central analyzer is enabled.
646          */
647         public static final String ANALYZER_CENTRAL_ENABLED = "analyzer.central.enabled";
648         /**
649          * Key for the path to the local Maven repository.
650          */
651         public static final String MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO = "odc.maven.local.repo";
652         /**
653          * Key for the URL to obtain content from Maven Central.
654          */
655         public static final String CENTRAL_CONTENT_URL = "central.content.url";
656         /**
657          * Key for the Username to obtain content from Maven Central.
658          * For use when the central content URL is reconfigured to a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication.
659          */
660         public static final String CENTRAL_CONTENT_USER = "central.content.username";
661         /**
662          * Key for the Password to obtain content from Maven Central.
663          * For use when the central content URL is reconfigured to a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication.
664          */
665         public static final String CENTRAL_CONTENT_PASSWORD = "central.content.password";
666         /**
667          * Key for the token to obtain content from Maven Central from an HTTP-Bearer-auth protected location.
668          * For use when the central content URL is reconfigured to a site requiring HTTP-Bearer-authentication.
669          */
670         public static final String CENTRAL_CONTENT_BEARER_TOKEN = "central.content.bearertoken";
671         /**
672          * The properties key for whether the Central analyzer should use
673          * parallel processing.
674          */
675         public static final String ANALYZER_CENTRAL_PARALLEL_ANALYSIS = "analyzer.central.parallel.analysis";
676         /**
677          * The properties key for whether the Central analyzer should use
678          * parallel processing.
679          */
680         public static final String ANALYZER_CENTRAL_RETRY_COUNT = "analyzer.central.retry.count";
681         /**
682          * The properties key for whether the OpenSSL analyzer is enabled.
683          */
684         public static final String ANALYZER_OPENSSL_ENABLED = "analyzer.openssl.enabled";
685         /**
686          * The properties key for whether the cocoapods analyzer is enabled.
687          */
688         public static final String ANALYZER_COCOAPODS_ENABLED = "analyzer.cocoapods.enabled";
689         /**
690          * The properties key for whether the carthage analyzer is enabled.
691          */
692         public static final String ANALYZER_CARTHAGE_ENABLED = "analyzer.carthage.enabled";
693         /**
694          * The properties key for whether the SWIFT package manager analyzer is
695          * enabled.
696          */
697         public static final String ANALYZER_SWIFT_PACKAGE_MANAGER_ENABLED = "analyzer.swift.package.manager.enabled";
698         /**
699          * The properties key for whether the SWIFT package resolved analyzer is
700          * enabled.
701          */
702         public static final String ANALYZER_SWIFT_PACKAGE_RESOLVED_ENABLED = "analyzer.swift.package.resolved.enabled";
703         /**
704          * The properties key for the Central search URL.
705          */
706         public static final String ANALYZER_CENTRAL_URL = "analyzer.central.url";
707         /**
708          * The properties key for the Central search username.
709          * For use when Central search is reconfigured to a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication.
710          */
711         public static final String ANALYZER_CENTRAL_USER = "analyzer.central.username";
712         /**
713          * The properties key for the Central search password.
714          * For use when Central search is reconfigured to a site requiring HTTP-Basic-authentication.
715          */
716         public static final String ANALYZER_CENTRAL_PASSWORD = "analyzer.central.password";
717         /**
718          * The properties key for the token for a HTTP Bearer protected Central search URL.
719          * For use when Central search is reconfigured to a site requiring HTTP-Bearer-authentication.
720          */
721         public static final String ANALYZER_CENTRAL_BEARER_TOKEN = "analyzer.central.bearertoken";
722         /**
723          * The properties key for the Central search query.
724          */
725         public static final String ANALYZER_CENTRAL_QUERY = "analyzer.central.query";
726         /**
727          * The properties key for whether Central search results will be cached.
728          */
729         public static final String ANALYZER_CENTRAL_USE_CACHE = "analyzer.central.use.cache";
730         /**
731          * The path to dotnet core, if available.
732          */
733         public static final String ANALYZER_ASSEMBLY_DOTNET_PATH = "analyzer.assembly.dotnet.path";
734         /**
735          * The path to bundle-audit, if available.
736          */
737         public static final String ANALYZER_BUNDLE_AUDIT_PATH = "analyzer.bundle.audit.path";
738         /**
739          * The path to bundle-audit, if available.
740          */
741         public static final String ANALYZER_BUNDLE_AUDIT_WORKING_DIRECTORY = "";
742         /**
743          * The additional configured zip file extensions, if available.
744          */
745         public static final String ADDITIONAL_ZIP_EXTENSIONS = "";
746         /**
747          * The key to obtain the path to the VFEED data file.
748          */
749         public static final String VFEED_DATA_FILE = "vfeed.data_file";
750         /**
751          * The key to obtain the VFEED connection string.
752          */
753         public static final String VFEED_CONNECTION_STRING = "vfeed.connection_string";
754         /**
755          * The key to obtain the base download URL for the VFeed data file.
756          */
757         public static final String VFEED_DOWNLOAD_URL = "vfeed.download_url";
758         /**
759          * The key to obtain the download file name for the VFeed data.
760          */
761         public static final String VFEED_DOWNLOAD_FILE = "vfeed.download_file";
762         /**
763          * The key to obtain the VFeed update status.
764          */
765         public static final String VFEED_UPDATE_STATUS = "vfeed.update_status";
766         /**
767          * The key to the HTTP request method for query last modified date.
768          */
769         public static final String DOWNLOADER_QUICK_QUERY_TIMESTAMP = "downloader.quick.query.timestamp";
770         /**
771          * The key to HTTP protocol list to use.
772          */
773         public static final String DOWNLOADER_TLS_PROTOCOL_LIST = "downloader.tls.protocols";
774         /**
775          * The key to determine if the CPE analyzer is enabled.
776          */
777         public static final String ANALYZER_CPE_ENABLED = "analyzer.cpe.enabled";
778         /**
779          * The key to determine if the NPM CPE analyzer is enabled.
780          */
781         public static final String ANALYZER_NPM_CPE_ENABLED = "analyzer.npm.cpe.enabled";
782         /**
783          * The key to determine if the CPE Suppression analyzer is enabled.
784          */
785         public static final String ANALYZER_CPE_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED = "analyzer.cpesuppression.enabled";
786         /**
787          * The key to determine if the Dependency Bundling analyzer is enabled.
788          */
789         public static final String ANALYZER_DEPENDENCY_BUNDLING_ENABLED = "analyzer.dependencybundling.enabled";
790         /**
791          * The key to determine if the Dependency Merging analyzer is enabled.
792          */
793         public static final String ANALYZER_DEPENDENCY_MERGING_ENABLED = "analyzer.dependencymerging.enabled";
794         /**
795          * The key to determine if the False Positive analyzer is enabled.
796          */
797         public static final String ANALYZER_FALSE_POSITIVE_ENABLED = "analyzer.falsepositive.enabled";
798         /**
799          * The key to determine if the File Name analyzer is enabled.
800          */
801         public static final String ANALYZER_FILE_NAME_ENABLED = "analyzer.filename.enabled";
802         /**
803          * The key to determine if the File Version analyzer is enabled.
804          */
805         public static final String ANALYZER_PE_ENABLED = "";
806         /**
807          * The key to determine if the Hint analyzer is enabled.
808          */
809         public static final String ANALYZER_HINT_ENABLED = "analyzer.hint.enabled";
810         /**
811          * The key to determine if the Version Filter analyzer is enabled.
812          */
813         public static final String ANALYZER_VERSION_FILTER_ENABLED = "analyzer.versionfilter.enabled";
814         /**
815          * The key to determine if the Vulnerability Suppression analyzer is
816          * enabled.
817          */
818         public static final String ANALYZER_VULNERABILITY_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED = "analyzer.vulnerabilitysuppression.enabled";
819         /**
820          * The key to determine if the NVD CVE updater should be enabled.
821          */
822         public static final String UPDATE_NVDCVE_ENABLED = "updater.nvdcve.enabled";
823         /**
824          * The key to determine if dependency-check should check if there is a
825          * new version available.
826          */
827         public static final String UPDATE_VERSION_CHECK_ENABLED = "updater.versioncheck.enabled";
828         /**
829          * The key to determine which ecosystems should skip the CPE analysis.
830          */
831         public static final String ECOSYSTEM_SKIP_CPEANALYZER = "ecosystem.skip.cpeanalyzer";
832         /**
833          * Adds capabilities to batch insert. Tested on PostgreSQL and H2.
834          */
835         public static final String ENABLE_BATCH_UPDATES = "database.batchinsert.enabled";
836         /**
837          * Size of database batch inserts.
838          */
839         public static final String MAX_BATCH_SIZE = "database.batchinsert.maxsize";
840         /**
841          * The key that specifies the class name of the Write Lock shutdown
842          * hook.
843          */
844         public static final String WRITELOCK_SHUTDOWN_HOOK = "data.writelock.shutdownhook";
845         /**
846          * The properties key for whether the Sonatype OSS Index analyzer is
847          * enabled.
848          */
849         public static final String ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_ENABLED = "analyzer.ossindex.enabled";
850         /**
851          * The properties key for whether the Sonatype OSS Index should use a
852          * local cache.
853          */
854         public static final String ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_USE_CACHE = "analyzer.ossindex.use.cache";
855         /**
856          * The properties key for the Sonatype OSS Index URL.
857          */
858         public static final String ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_URL = "analyzer.ossindex.url";
859         /**
860          * The properties key for the Sonatype OSS Index user.
861          */
862         public static final String ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_USER = "analyzer.ossindex.user";
863         /**
864          * The properties key for the Sonatype OSS Index password.
865          */
866         public static final String ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_PASSWORD = "analyzer.ossindex.password";
867         /**
868          * The properties key for the Sonatype OSS batch-size.
869          */
870         public static final String ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_BATCH_SIZE = "analyzer.ossindex.batch.size";
871         /**
872          * The properties key for the Sonatype OSS Request Delay. Amount of time
873          * in seconds to wait before executing a request against the Sonatype
874          * OSS Rest API
875          */
876         public static final String ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_REQUEST_DELAY = "analyzer.ossindex.request.delay";
877         /**
878          * The properties key for only warning about Sonatype OSS Index remote
879          * errors instead of failing the request.
880          */
881         public static final String ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_WARN_ONLY_ON_REMOTE_ERRORS = "analyzer.ossindex.remote-error.warn-only";
882         /**
883          * The properties key setting whether or not the JSON and XML reports
884          * will be pretty printed.
885          */
887         /**
888          * The properties key for whether the Dart analyzer is enabled.
889          */
890         public static final String ANALYZER_DART_ENABLED = "analyzer.dart.enabled";
892         /**
893          * The properties key for whether to pretty print the XML/JSON reports.
894          */
895         public static final String PRETTY_PRINT = "odc.reports.pretty.print";
896         /**
897          * The properties key setting which other keys should be considered
898          * sensitive and subsequently masked when logged.
899          */
900         public static final String MASKED_PROPERTIES = "odc.settings.mask";
901         /**
902          * The properties key for the default max query size for Lucene query
903          * results.
904          */
905         public static final String MAX_QUERY_SIZE_DEFAULT = "odc.ecosystem.maxquerylimit.default";
906         /**
907          * The properties key prefix for the default max query size for Lucene
908          * query results; append the ecosystem to obtain the default query size.
909          */
910         public static final String MAX_QUERY_SIZE_PREFIX = "odc.ecosystem.maxquerylimit.";
911         /**
912          * The properties key for whether the build should fail if there are unused suppression rules.
913          */
914         public static final String FAIL_ON_UNUSED_SUPPRESSION_RULE = "";
916         /**
917          * private constructor because this is a "utility" class containing
918          * constants
919          */
920         private KEYS() {
921             //do nothing
922         }
923     }
924     //</editor-fold>
926     /**
927      * Initialize the settings object.
928      */
929     public Settings() {
930         initialize(PROPERTIES_FILE);
931     }
933     /**
934      * Initialize the settings object using the given properties.
935      *
936      * @param properties the properties to be used with this Settings instance
937      * @since 4.0.3
938      */
939     public Settings(final Properties properties) {
940         props = properties;
941         logProperties("Properties loaded", props);
942     }
944     /**
945      * Initialize the settings object using the given properties file.
946      *
947      * @param propertiesFilePath the path to the base properties file to load
948      */
949     public Settings(@NotNull final String propertiesFilePath) {
950         initialize(propertiesFilePath);
951     }
953     /**
954      * Initializes the settings object from the given file.
955      *
956      * @param propertiesFilePath the path to the settings property file
957      */
958     private void initialize(@NotNull final String propertiesFilePath) {
959         props = new Properties();
960         try (InputStream in = FileUtils.getResourceAsStream(propertiesFilePath)) {
961             props.load(in);
962         } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
963             LOGGER.error("Did not find settings file '{}'.", propertiesFilePath);
964             LOGGER.debug("", ex);
965         } catch (IOException ex) {
966             LOGGER.error("Unable to load settings from '{}'.", propertiesFilePath);
967             LOGGER.debug("", ex);
968         }
969         logProperties("Properties loaded", props);
970     }
972     /**
973      * Cleans up resources to prevent memory leaks.
974      */
975     public void cleanup() {
976         cleanup(true);
977     }
979     /**
980      * Cleans up resources to prevent memory leaks.
981      *
982      * @param deleteTemporary flag indicating whether any temporary directories
983      * generated should be removed
984      */
985     public synchronized void cleanup(boolean deleteTemporary) {
986         if (deleteTemporary && tempDirectory != null && tempDirectory.exists()) {
987             LOGGER.debug("Deleting ALL temporary files from `{}`", tempDirectory.toString());
988             FileUtils.delete(tempDirectory);
989             tempDirectory = null;
990         }
991     }
993     /**
994      * Check if a given key is considered to have a value with sensitive data.
995      *
996      * @param key the key to determine if the property should be masked
997      * @return <code>true</code> if the key is for a sensitive property value;
998      * otherwise <code>false</code>
999      */
1000     private boolean isKeyMasked(@NotNull String key) {
1001         if (maskedKeys == null || maskedKeys.isEmpty()) {
1002             initMaskedKeys();
1003         }
1004         return -> maskExp.test(key));
1005     }
1007     /**
1008      * Obtains the printable/loggable value for a given key/value pair. This
1009      * will mask some values so as to not leak sensitive information.
1010      *
1011      * @param key the property key
1012      * @param value the property value
1013      * @return the printable value
1014      */
1015     String getPrintableValue(@NotNull String key, String value) {
1016         String printableValue = null;
1017         if (value != null) {
1018             printableValue = isKeyMasked(key) ? "********" : value;
1019         }
1020         return printableValue;
1021     }
1023     /**
1024      * Initializes the masked keys collection. This is done outside of the
1025      * {@link #initialize(java.lang.String)} method because a caller may use the
1026      * {@link #mergeProperties(} to add additional properties after
1027      * the call to initialize.
1028      */
1029     void initMaskedKeys() {
1030         final String[] masked = getArray(Settings.KEYS.MASKED_PROPERTIES);
1031         if (masked == null) {
1032             maskedKeys = new ArrayList<>();
1033         } else {
1034             maskedKeys =
1035                     .map(v -> Pattern.compile(v).asPredicate())
1036                     .collect(Collectors.toList());
1037         }
1038     }
1040     /**
1041      * Logs the properties. This will not log any properties that contain
1042      * 'password' in the key.
1043      *
1044      * @param header the header to print with the log message
1045      * @param properties the properties to log
1046      */
1047     private void logProperties(@NotNull final String header, @NotNull final Properties properties) {
1048         if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
1049             initMaskedKeys();
1050             final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
1051             try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw)) {
1052                 pw.format("%s:%n%n", header);
1053                 final Enumeration<?> e = properties.propertyNames();
1054                 while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
1055                     final String key = (String) e.nextElement();
1056                     final String value = getPrintableValue(key, properties.getProperty(key));
1057                     if (value != null) {
1058                         pw.format("%s='%s'%n", key, value);
1059                     }
1060                 }
1061                 pw.flush();
1062                 LOGGER.debug(sw.toString());
1063             }
1064         }
1065     }
1067     /**
1068      * Sets a property value.
1069      *
1070      * @param key the key for the property
1071      * @param value the value for the property
1072      */
1073     public void setString(@NotNull final String key, @NotNull final String value) {
1074         props.setProperty(key, value);
1075         LOGGER.debug("Setting: {}='{}'", key, getPrintableValue(key, value));
1076     }
1078     /**
1079      * Sets a property value only if the value is not null.
1080      *
1081      * @param key the key for the property
1082      * @param value the value for the property
1083      */
1084     public void setStringIfNotNull(@NotNull final String key, @Nullable final String value) {
1085         if (null != value) {
1086             setString(key, value);
1087         }
1088     }
1090     /**
1091      * Sets a property value only if the value is not null and not empty.
1092      *
1093      * @param key the key for the property
1094      * @param value the value for the property
1095      */
1096     public void setStringIfNotEmpty(@NotNull final String key, @Nullable final String value) {
1097         if (null != value && !value.isEmpty()) {
1098             setString(key, value);
1099         }
1100     }
1102     /**
1103      * Sets a property value only if the array value is not null and not empty.
1104      *
1105      * @param key the key for the property
1106      * @param value the value for the property
1107      */
1108     public void setArrayIfNotEmpty(@NotNull final String key, @Nullable final String[] value) {
1109         if (null != value && value.length > 0) {
1110             try {
1111                 setString(key, objectMapper.writeValueAsString(value));
1112             } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
1113                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
1114             }
1115         }
1116     }
1118     /**
1119      * Sets a property value only if the array value is not null and not empty.
1120      *
1121      * @param key the key for the property
1122      * @param value the value for the property
1123      */
1124     public void setArrayIfNotEmpty(@NotNull final String key, @Nullable final List<String> value) {
1125         if (null != value && !value.isEmpty()) {
1126             try {
1127                 setString(key, objectMapper.writeValueAsString(value));
1128             } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
1129                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
1130             }
1131         }
1132     }
1134     /**
1135      * Sets a property value.
1136      *
1137      * @param key the key for the property
1138      * @param value the value for the property
1139      */
1140     public void setBoolean(@NotNull final String key, boolean value) {
1141         setString(key, Boolean.toString(value));
1142     }
1144     /**
1145      * Sets a property value only if the value is not null.
1146      *
1147      * @param key the key for the property
1148      * @param value the value for the property
1149      */
1150     public void setBooleanIfNotNull(@NotNull final String key, @Nullable final Boolean value) {
1151         if (null != value) {
1152             setBoolean(key, value);
1153         }
1154     }
1156     /**
1157      * Sets a float property value.
1158      *
1159      * @param key the key for the property
1160      * @param value the value for the property
1161      */
1162     public void setFloat(@NotNull final String key, final float value) {
1163         setString(key, Float.toString(value));
1164     }
1166     /**
1167      * Sets a property value.
1168      *
1169      * @param key the key for the property
1170      * @param value the value for the property
1171      */
1172     public void setInt(@NotNull final String key, final int value) {
1173         props.setProperty(key, String.valueOf(value));
1174         LOGGER.debug("Setting: {}='{}'", key, value);
1175     }
1177     /**
1178      * Sets a property value only if the value is not null.
1179      *
1180      * @param key the key for the property
1181      * @param value the value for the property
1182      */
1183     public void setIntIfNotNull(@NotNull final String key, @Nullable final Integer value) {
1184         if (null != value) {
1185             setInt(key, value);
1186         }
1187     }
1189     /**
1190      * Merges a new properties file into the current properties. This method
1191      * allows for the loading of a user provided properties file.<br><br>
1192      * <b>Note</b>: even if using this method - system properties will be loaded
1193      * before properties loaded from files.
1194      *
1195      * @param filePath the path to the properties file to merge.
1196      * @throws is thrown when the filePath points
1197      * to a non-existent file
1198      * @throws is thrown when there is an exception
1199      * loading/merging the properties
1200      */
1201     @SuppressFBWarnings(justification = "try with resource will clenaup the resources", value = {"OBL_UNSATISFIED_OBLIGATION"})
1202     public void mergeProperties(@NotNull final File filePath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
1203         try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filePath)) {
1204             mergeProperties(fis);
1205         }
1206     }
1208     /**
1209      * Merges a new properties file into the current properties. This method
1210      * allows for the loading of a user provided properties file.<br><br>
1211      * Note: even if using this method - system properties will be loaded before
1212      * properties loaded from files.
1213      *
1214      * @param filePath the path to the properties file to merge.
1215      * @throws is thrown when the filePath points
1216      * to a non-existent file
1217      * @throws is thrown when there is an exception
1218      * loading/merging the properties
1219      */
1220     @SuppressFBWarnings(justification = "try with resource will clenaup the resources", value = {"OBL_UNSATISFIED_OBLIGATION"})
1221     public void mergeProperties(@NotNull final String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
1222         try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filePath)) {
1223             mergeProperties(fis);
1224         }
1225     }
1227     /**
1228      * Merges a new properties file into the current properties. This method
1229      * allows for the loading of a user provided properties file.<br><br>
1230      * <b>Note</b>: even if using this method - system properties will be loaded
1231      * before properties loaded from files.
1232      *
1233      * @param stream an Input Stream pointing at a properties file to merge
1234      * @throws is thrown when there is an exception
1235      * loading/merging the properties
1236      */
1237     public void mergeProperties(@NotNull final InputStream stream) throws IOException {
1238         props.load(stream);
1239         logProperties("Properties updated via merge", props);
1240     }
1242     /**
1243      * Returns a value from the properties file as a File object. If the value
1244      * was specified as a system property or passed in via the -Dprop=value
1245      * argument - this method will return the value from the system properties
1246      * before the values in the contained configuration file.
1247      *
1248      * @param key the key to lookup within the properties file
1249      * @return the property from the properties file converted to a File object
1250      */
1251     @Nullable
1252     public File getFile(@NotNull final String key) {
1253         final String file = getString(key);
1254         if (file == null) {
1255             return null;
1256         }
1257         return new File(file);
1258     }
1260     /**
1261      * Returns a value from the properties file as a File object. If the value
1262      * was specified as a system property or passed in via the -Dprop=value
1263      * argument - this method will return the value from the system properties
1264      * before the values in the contained configuration file.
1265      * <p>
1266      * This method will check the configured base directory and will use this as
1267      * the base of the file path. Additionally, if the base directory begins
1268      * with a leading "[JAR]\" sequence with the path to the folder containing
1269      * the JAR file containing this class.
1270      *
1271      * @param key the key to lookup within the properties file
1272      * @return the property from the properties file converted to a File object
1273      */
1274     File getDataFile(@NotNull final String key) {
1275         final String file = getString(key);
1276         LOGGER.debug("Settings.getDataFile() - file: '{}'", file);
1277         if (file == null) {
1278             return null;
1279         }
1280         if (file.startsWith("[JAR]")) {
1281             LOGGER.debug("Settings.getDataFile() - transforming filename");
1282             final File jarPath = getJarPath();
1283             LOGGER.debug("Settings.getDataFile() - jar file: '{}'", jarPath.toString());
1284             final File retVal = new File(jarPath, file.substring(6));
1285             LOGGER.debug("Settings.getDataFile() - returning: '{}'", retVal);
1286             return retVal;
1287         }
1288         return new File(file);
1289     }
1291     /**
1292      * Attempts to retrieve the folder containing the Jar file containing the
1293      * Settings class.
1294      *
1295      * @return a File object
1296      */
1297     private File getJarPath() {
1298         String decodedPath = ".";
1299         String jarPath = "";
1300         final ProtectionDomain domain = Settings.class.getProtectionDomain();
1301         if (domain != null && domain.getCodeSource() != null && domain.getCodeSource().getLocation() != null) {
1302             jarPath = Settings.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
1303         }
1304         try {
1305             decodedPath = URLDecoder.decode(jarPath,;
1306         } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
1307             LOGGER.trace("", ex);
1308         }
1310         final File path = new File(decodedPath);
1311         if (path.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
1312             return path.getParentFile();
1313         } else {
1314             return new File(".");
1315         }
1316     }
1318     /**
1319      * Returns a value from the properties file. If the value was specified as a
1320      * system property or passed in via the -Dprop=value argument - this method
1321      * will return the value from the system properties before the values in the
1322      * contained configuration file.
1323      *
1324      * @param key the key to lookup within the properties file
1325      * @param defaultValue the default value for the requested property
1326      * @return the property from the properties file
1327      */
1328     public String getString(@NotNull final String key, @Nullable final String defaultValue) {
1329         return System.getProperty(key, props.getProperty(key, defaultValue));
1330     }
1332     /**
1333      * Returns the temporary directory.
1334      *
1335      * @return the temporary directory
1336      * @throws if any.
1337      */
1338     public synchronized File getTempDirectory() throws IOException {
1339         if (tempDirectory == null) {
1340             final File baseTemp = new File(getString(Settings.KEYS.TEMP_DIRECTORY, System.getProperty("")));
1341             tempDirectory = FileUtils.createTempDirectory(baseTemp);
1342         }
1343         return tempDirectory;
1344     }
1346     /**
1347      * Returns a value from the properties file. If the value was specified as a
1348      * system property or passed in via the -Dprop=value argument - this method
1349      * will return the value from the system properties before the values in the
1350      * contained configuration file.
1351      *
1352      * @param key the key to lookup within the properties file
1353      * @return the property from the properties file
1354      */
1355     public String getString(@NotNull final String key) {
1356         return System.getProperty(key, props.getProperty(key));
1357     }
1359     /**
1360      * Returns a list with the given key.
1361      * <p>
1362      * If the property is not set then {@code null} will be returned.
1363      *
1364      * @param key the key to get from this
1365      * {@link org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings}.
1366      * @return the list or {@code null} if the key wasn't present.
1367      */
1368     public String[] getArray(@NotNull final String key) {
1369         final String string = getString(key);
1370         if (string != null) {
1371             if (string.charAt(0) == '{' || string.charAt(0) == '[') {
1372                 try {
1373                     return objectMapper.readValue(string, String[].class);
1374                 } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
1375                     throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to read value '" + string + "' as an array");
1376                 }
1377             } else {
1378                 return string.split(ARRAY_SEP);
1379             }
1380         }
1381         return null;
1382     }
1384     /**
1385      * Removes a property from the local properties collection. This is mainly
1386      * used in test cases.
1387      *
1388      * @param key the property key to remove
1389      */
1390     public void removeProperty(@NotNull final String key) {
1391         props.remove(key);
1392     }
1394     /**
1395      * Returns an int value from the properties file. If the value was specified
1396      * as a system property or passed in via the -Dprop=value argument - this
1397      * method will return the value from the system properties before the values
1398      * in the contained configuration file.
1399      *
1400      * @param key the key to lookup within the properties file
1401      * @return the property from the properties file
1402      * @throws org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.InvalidSettingException is thrown
1403      * if there is an error retrieving the setting
1404      */
1405     public int getInt(@NotNull final String key) throws InvalidSettingException {
1406         try {
1407             return Integer.parseInt(getString(key));
1408         } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
1409             throw new InvalidSettingException("Could not convert property '" + key + "' to an int.", ex);
1410         }
1411     }
1413     /**
1414      * Returns an int value from the properties file. If the value was specified
1415      * as a system property or passed in via the -Dprop=value argument - this
1416      * method will return the value from the system properties before the values
1417      * in the contained configuration file.
1418      *
1419      * @param key the key to lookup within the properties file
1420      * @param defaultValue the default value to return
1421      * @return the property from the properties file or the defaultValue if the
1422      * property does not exist or cannot be converted to an integer
1423      */
1424     public int getInt(@NotNull final String key, int defaultValue) {
1425         int value;
1426         try {
1427             value = Integer.parseInt(getString(key));
1428         } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
1429             if (!getString(key, "").isEmpty()) {
1430                 LOGGER.debug("Could not convert property '{}={}' to an int; using {} instead.",
1431                         key, getPrintableValue(key, getString(key)), defaultValue);
1432             }
1433             value = defaultValue;
1434         }
1435         return value;
1436     }
1438     /**
1439      * Returns a long value from the properties file. If the value was specified
1440      * as a system property or passed in via the -Dprop=value argument - this
1441      * method will return the value from the system properties before the values
1442      * in the contained configuration file.
1443      *
1444      * @param key the key to lookup within the properties file
1445      * @return the property from the properties file
1446      * @throws org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.InvalidSettingException is thrown
1447      * if there is an error retrieving the setting
1448      */
1449     public long getLong(@NotNull final String key) throws InvalidSettingException {
1450         try {
1451             return Long.parseLong(getString(key));
1452         } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
1453             throw new InvalidSettingException("Could not convert property '" + key + "' to a long.", ex);
1454         }
1455     }
1457     /**
1458      * Returns a boolean value from the properties file. If the value was
1459      * specified as a system property or passed in via the
1460      * <code>-Dprop=value</code> argument this method will return the value from
1461      * the system properties before the values in the contained configuration
1462      * file.
1463      *
1464      * @param key the key to lookup within the properties file
1465      * @return the property from the properties file
1466      * @throws org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.InvalidSettingException is thrown
1467      * if there is an error retrieving the setting
1468      */
1469     public boolean getBoolean(@NotNull final String key) throws InvalidSettingException {
1470         return Boolean.parseBoolean(getString(key));
1471     }
1473     /**
1474      * Returns a boolean value from the properties file. If the value was
1475      * specified as a system property or passed in via the
1476      * <code>-Dprop=value</code> argument this method will return the value from
1477      * the system properties before the values in the contained configuration
1478      * file.
1479      *
1480      * @param key the key to lookup within the properties file
1481      * @param defaultValue the default value to return if the setting does not
1482      * exist
1483      * @return the property from the properties file
1484      */
1485     public boolean getBoolean(@NotNull final String key, boolean defaultValue) {
1486         return Boolean.parseBoolean(getString(key, Boolean.toString(defaultValue)));
1487     }
1489     /**
1490      * Returns a float value from the properties file. If the value was
1491      * specified as a system property or passed in via the
1492      * <code>-Dprop=value</code> argument this method will return the value from
1493      * the system properties before the values in the contained configuration
1494      * file.
1495      *
1496      * @param key the key to lookup within the properties file
1497      * @param defaultValue the default value to return if the setting does not
1498      * exist
1499      * @return the property from the properties file
1500      */
1501     public float getFloat(@NotNull final String key, float defaultValue) {
1502         float retValue = defaultValue;
1503         try {
1504             retValue = Float.parseFloat(getString(key));
1505         } catch (Throwable ex) {
1506             LOGGER.trace("ignore", ex);
1507         }
1508         return retValue;
1509     }
1511     /**
1512      * Returns a connection string from the configured properties. If the
1513      * connection string contains a %s, this method will determine the 'data'
1514      * directory and replace the %s with the path to the data directory. If the
1515      * data directory does not exist it will be created.
1516      *
1517      * @param connectionStringKey the property file key for the connection
1518      * string
1519      * @param dbFileNameKey the settings key for the db filename
1520      * @return the connection string
1521      * @throws IOException thrown the data directory cannot be created
1522      * @throws InvalidSettingException thrown if there is an invalid setting
1523      */
1524     public String getConnectionString(String connectionStringKey, String dbFileNameKey)
1525             throws IOException, InvalidSettingException {
1526         final String connStr = getString(connectionStringKey);
1527         if (connStr == null) {
1528             final String msg = String.format("Invalid properties file; %s is missing.", connectionStringKey);
1529             throw new InvalidSettingException(msg);
1530         }
1531         if (connStr.contains("%s")) {
1532             final File directory = getH2DataDirectory();
1533             LOGGER.debug("Data directory: {}", directory);
1534             String fileName = null;
1535             if (dbFileNameKey != null) {
1536                 fileName = getString(dbFileNameKey);
1537             }
1538             if (fileName == null) {
1539                 final String msg = String.format("Invalid properties file to get a file based connection string; '%s' must be defined.",
1540                         dbFileNameKey);
1541                 throw new InvalidSettingException(msg);
1542             }
1543             if (connStr.startsWith("jdbc:h2:file:") && fileName.endsWith(".mv.db")) {
1544                 fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 6);
1545             }
1546             // yes, for H2 this path won't actually exists - but this is sufficient to get the value needed
1547             final File dbFile = new File(directory, fileName);
1548             final String cString = String.format(connStr, dbFile.getCanonicalPath());
1549             LOGGER.debug("Connection String: '{}'", cString);
1550             return cString;
1551         }
1552         return connStr;
1553     }
1555     /**
1556      * Retrieves the primary data directory that is used for caching web
1557      * content.
1558      *
1559      * @return the data directory to store data files
1560      * @throws is thrown if an occurs of
1561      * course...
1562      */
1563     public File getDataDirectory() throws IOException {
1564         final File path = getDataFile(Settings.KEYS.DATA_DIRECTORY);
1565         if (path != null && (path.exists() || path.mkdirs())) {
1566             return path;
1567         }
1568         throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to create the data directory '%s'",
1569                 (path == null) ? "unknown" : path.getAbsolutePath()));
1570     }
1572     /**
1573      * Retrieves the H2 data directory - if the database has been moved to the
1574      * temp directory this method will return the temp directory.
1575      *
1576      * @return the data directory to store data files
1577      * @throws is thrown if an occurs of
1578      * course...
1579      */
1580     public File getH2DataDirectory() throws IOException {
1581         final String h2Test = getString(Settings.KEYS.H2_DATA_DIRECTORY);
1582         final File path;
1583         if (h2Test != null && !h2Test.isEmpty()) {
1584             path = getDataFile(Settings.KEYS.H2_DATA_DIRECTORY);
1585         } else {
1586             path = getDataFile(Settings.KEYS.DATA_DIRECTORY);
1587         }
1588         if (path != null && (path.exists() || path.mkdirs())) {
1589             return path;
1590         }
1591         throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to create the h2 data directory '%s'",
1592                 (path == null) ? "unknown" : path.getAbsolutePath()));
1593     }
1595     /**
1596      * Generates a new temporary file name that is guaranteed to be unique.
1597      *
1598      * @param prefix the prefix for the file name to generate
1599      * @param extension the extension of the generated file name
1600      * @return a temporary File
1601      * @throws if any.
1602      */
1603     public File getTempFile(@NotNull final String prefix, @NotNull final String extension) throws IOException {
1604         final File dir = getTempDirectory();
1605         final String tempFileName = String.format("%s%s.%s", prefix, UUID.randomUUID(), extension);
1606         final File tempFile = new File(dir, tempFileName);
1607         if (tempFile.exists()) {
1608             return getTempFile(prefix, extension);
1609         }
1610         return tempFile;
1611     }
1612 }