View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * This file is part of dependency-check-core.
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   *
16   * Copyright (c) 2013 Jeremy Long. All Rights Reserved.
17   */
18  package org.owasp.dependencycheck.analyzer;
20  import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveEntry;
21  import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveInputStream;
22  import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.cpio.CpioArchiveInputStream;
23  import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveInputStream;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.CompressorInputStream;
27  import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.bzip2.BZip2CompressorInputStream;
28  import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.bzip2.BZip2Utils;
29  import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.gzip.GzipCompressorInputStream;
30  import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.gzip.GzipUtils;
31  import org.apache.commons.compress.utils.IOUtils;
32  import org.eclipse.packager.rpm.RpmTag;
33  import org.eclipse.packager.rpm.parse.RpmInputStream;
34  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.Engine;
35  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.analyzer.exception.AnalysisException;
36  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.analyzer.exception.ArchiveExtractionException;
37  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.analyzer.exception.UnexpectedAnalysisException;
38  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.dependency.Dependency;
39  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.exception.InitializationException;
40  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.FileFilterBuilder;
41  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.FileUtils;
42  import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings;
43  import org.slf4j.Logger;
44  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
46  import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
47  import;
48  import;
49  import;
50  import;
51  import;
52  import;
53  import;
54  import java.nio.file.Files;
55  import java.nio.file.Path;
56  import java.util.Collections;
57  import java.util.Enumeration;
58  import java.util.HashSet;
59  import java.util.List;
60  import java.util.Set;
61  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
62  import;
63  import;
65  import static org.owasp.dependencycheck.analyzer.AbstractNpmAnalyzer.shouldProcess;
67  /**
68   * <p>
69   * An analyzer that extracts files from archives and ensures any supported files
70   * contained within the archive are added to the dependency list.</p>
71   *
72   * @author Jeremy Long
73   */
74  @ThreadSafe
75  public class ArchiveAnalyzer extends AbstractFileTypeAnalyzer {
77      /**
78       * The logger.
79       */
80      private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ArchiveAnalyzer.class);
81      /**
82       * The count of directories created during analysis. This is used for
83       * creating temporary directories.
84       */
85      private static final AtomicInteger DIRECTORY_COUNT = new AtomicInteger(0);
86      /**
87       * The parent directory for the individual directories per archive.
88       */
89      private File tempFileLocation = null;
90      /**
91       * The max scan depth that the analyzer will recursively extract nested
92       * archives.
93       */
94      private int maxScanDepth;
95      /**
96       * The file filter used to filter supported files.
97       */
98      private FileFilter fileFilter = null;
99      /**
100      * The set of things we can handle with Zip methods
101      */
102     private static final Set<String> KNOWN_ZIP_EXT = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
103             newHashSet("zip", "ear", "war", "jar", "sar", "apk", "nupkg", "aar"));
104     /**
105      * The set of additional extensions we can handle with Zip methods
106      */
107     private static final Set<String> ADDITIONAL_ZIP_EXT = new HashSet<>();
108     /**
109      * The set of file extensions supported by this analyzer. Note for
110      * developers, any additions to this list will need to be explicitly handled
111      * in {@link #extractFiles(File, File, Engine)}.
112      */
113     private static final Set<String> EXTENSIONS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
114             newHashSet("tar", "gz", "tgz", "bz2", "tbz2", "rpm"));
116     /**
117      * Detects files with extensions to remove from the engine's collection of
118      * dependencies.
119      */
120     private static final FileFilter REMOVE_FROM_ANALYSIS = FileFilterBuilder.newInstance()
121             .addExtensions("zip", "tar", "gz", "tgz", "bz2", "tbz2", "nupkg", "rpm").build();
122     /**
123      * Detects files with .zip extension.
124      */
125     private static final FileFilter ZIP_FILTER = FileFilterBuilder.newInstance().addExtensions("zip").build();
127     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="All standard implementation details of Analyzer">
128     /**
129      * The name of the analyzer.
130      */
131     private static final String ANALYZER_NAME = "Archive Analyzer";
132     /**
133      * The phase that this analyzer is intended to run in.
134      */
135     private static final AnalysisPhase ANALYSIS_PHASE = AnalysisPhase.INITIAL;
137     /**
138      * Make java compiler happy.
139      */
140     public ArchiveAnalyzer() {
141     }
143     /**
144      * Initializes the analyzer with the configured settings.
145      *
146      * @param settings the configured settings to use
147      */
148     @Override
149     public void initialize(Settings settings) {
150         super.initialize(settings);
151         initializeSettings();
152     }
154     @Override
155     protected FileFilter getFileFilter() {
156         return fileFilter;
157     }
159     /**
160      * Returns the name of the analyzer.
161      *
162      * @return the name of the analyzer.
163      */
164     @Override
165     public String getName() {
166         return ANALYZER_NAME;
167     }
169     /**
170      * Returns the phase that the analyzer is intended to run in.
171      *
172      * @return the phase that the analyzer is intended to run in.
173      */
174     @Override
175     public AnalysisPhase getAnalysisPhase() {
176         return ANALYSIS_PHASE;
177     }
178     //</editor-fold>
180     /**
181      * Returns the key used in the properties file to reference the analyzer's
182      * enabled property.
183      *
184      * @return the analyzer's enabled property setting key
185      */
186     @Override
187     protected String getAnalyzerEnabledSettingKey() {
188         return Settings.KEYS.ANALYZER_ARCHIVE_ENABLED;
189     }
191     /**
192      * The prepare method does nothing for this Analyzer.
193      *
194      * @param engine a reference to the dependency-check engine
195      * @throws InitializationException is thrown if there is an exception
196      * deleting or creating temporary files
197      */
198     @Override
199     public void prepareFileTypeAnalyzer(Engine engine) throws InitializationException {
200         try {
201             final File baseDir = getSettings().getTempDirectory();
202             tempFileLocation = File.createTempFile("check", "tmp", baseDir);
203             if (!tempFileLocation.delete()) {
204                 setEnabled(false);
205                 final String msg = String.format("Unable to delete temporary file '%s'.", tempFileLocation.getAbsolutePath());
206                 throw new InitializationException(msg);
207             }
208             if (!tempFileLocation.mkdirs()) {
209                 setEnabled(false);
210                 final String msg = String.format("Unable to create directory '%s'.", tempFileLocation.getAbsolutePath());
211                 throw new InitializationException(msg);
212             }
213         } catch (IOException ex) {
214             setEnabled(false);
215             throw new InitializationException("Unable to create a temporary file", ex);
216         }
217     }
219     /**
220      * The close method deletes any temporary files and directories created
221      * during analysis.
222      *
223      * @throws Exception thrown if there is an exception deleting temporary
224      * files
225      */
226     @Override
227     public void closeAnalyzer() throws Exception {
228         if (tempFileLocation != null && tempFileLocation.exists()) {
229             LOGGER.debug("Attempting to delete temporary files from `{}`", tempFileLocation.toString());
230             final boolean success = FileUtils.delete(tempFileLocation);
231             if (!success && tempFileLocation.exists()) {
232                 final String[] l = tempFileLocation.list();
233                 if (l != null && l.length > 0) {
234                     LOGGER.warn("Failed to delete the Archive Analyzer's temporary files from `{}`, "
235                             + "see the log for more details", tempFileLocation.toString());
236                 }
237             }
238         }
239     }
241     /**
242      * Determines if the file can be analyzed by the analyzer. If the npm
243      * analyzer are enabled the archive analyzer will skip the node_modules and
244      * bower_modules directories.
245      *
246      * @param pathname the path to the file
247      * @return true if the file can be analyzed by the given analyzer; otherwise
248      * false
249      */
250     @Override
251     public boolean accept(File pathname) {
252         boolean accept = super.accept(pathname);
253         final boolean npmEnabled = getSettings().getBoolean(Settings.KEYS.ANALYZER_NODE_AUDIT_ENABLED, false);
254         final boolean yarnEnabled = getSettings().getBoolean(Settings.KEYS.ANALYZER_YARN_AUDIT_ENABLED, false);
255         final boolean pnpmEnabled = getSettings().getBoolean(Settings.KEYS.ANALYZER_PNPM_AUDIT_ENABLED, false);
256         if (accept && (npmEnabled || yarnEnabled || pnpmEnabled)) {
257             try {
258                 accept = shouldProcess(pathname);
259             } catch (AnalysisException ex) {
260                 throw new UnexpectedAnalysisException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause());
261             }
262         }
263         return accept;
264     }
266     /**
267      * Analyzes a given dependency. If the dependency is an archive, such as a
268      * WAR or EAR, the contents are extracted, scanned, and added to the list of
269      * dependencies within the engine.
270      *
271      * @param dependency the dependency to analyze
272      * @param engine the engine scanning
273      * @throws AnalysisException thrown if there is an analysis exception
274      */
275     @Override
276     public void analyzeDependency(Dependency dependency, Engine engine) throws AnalysisException {
277         extractAndAnalyze(dependency, engine, 0);
278         engine.sortDependencies();
279     }
281     /**
282      * Extracts the contents of the archive dependency and scans for additional
283      * dependencies.
284      *
285      * @param dependency the dependency being analyzed
286      * @param engine the engine doing the analysis
287      * @param scanDepth the current scan depth; extracctAndAnalyze is recursive
288      * and will, be default, only go 3 levels deep
289      * @throws AnalysisException thrown if there is a problem analyzing the
290      * dependencies
291      */
292     private void extractAndAnalyze(Dependency dependency, Engine engine, int scanDepth) throws AnalysisException {
293         final File f = new File(dependency.getActualFilePath());
294         final File tmpDir = getNextTempDirectory();
295         extractFiles(f, tmpDir, engine);
297         //make a copy
298         final List<Dependency> dependencySet = findMoreDependencies(engine, tmpDir);
300         if (dependencySet != null && !dependencySet.isEmpty()) {
301             for (Dependency d : dependencySet) {
302                 if (d.getFilePath().startsWith(tmpDir.getAbsolutePath())) {
303                     //fix the dependency's display name and path
304                     final String displayPath = String.format("%s%s",
305                             dependency.getFilePath(),
306                             d.getActualFilePath().substring(tmpDir.getAbsolutePath().length()));
307                     final String displayName = String.format("%s: %s",
308                             dependency.getFileName(),
309                             d.getFileName());
310                     d.setFilePath(displayPath);
311                     d.setFileName(displayName);
312                     d.addAllProjectReferences(dependency.getProjectReferences());
314                     //TODO - can we get more evidence from the parent? EAR contains module name, etc.
315                     //analyze the dependency (i.e. extract files) if it is a supported type.
316                     if (this.accept(d.getActualFile()) && scanDepth < maxScanDepth) {
317                         extractAndAnalyze(d, engine, scanDepth + 1);
318                     }
319                 } else {
320            -> sub.getFilePath().startsWith(tmpDir.getAbsolutePath())).forEach((sub) -> {
321                         final String displayPath = String.format("%s%s",
322                                 dependency.getFilePath(),
323                                 sub.getActualFilePath().substring(tmpDir.getAbsolutePath().length()));
324                         final String displayName = String.format("%s: %s",
325                                 dependency.getFileName(),
326                                 sub.getFileName());
327                         sub.setFilePath(displayPath);
328                         sub.setFileName(displayName);
329                     });
330                 }
331             }
332         }
333         if (REMOVE_FROM_ANALYSIS.accept(dependency.getActualFile())) {
334             addDisguisedJarsToDependencies(dependency, engine);
335             engine.removeDependency(dependency);
336         }
337     }
339     /**
340      * If a zip file was identified as a possible JAR, this method will add the
341      * zip to the list of dependencies.
342      *
343      * @param dependency the zip file
344      * @param engine the engine
345      * @throws AnalysisException thrown if there is an issue
346      */
347     private void addDisguisedJarsToDependencies(Dependency dependency, Engine engine) throws AnalysisException {
348         if (ZIP_FILTER.accept(dependency.getActualFile()) && isZipFileActuallyJarFile(dependency)) {
349             final File tempDir = getNextTempDirectory();
350             final String fileName = dependency.getFileName();
352   "The zip file '{}' appears to be a JAR file, making a copy and analyzing it as a JAR.", fileName);
353             final File tmpLoc = new File(tempDir, fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 3) + "jar");
354             //store the archives sha1 and change it so that the engine doesn't think the zip and jar file are the same
355             // and add it is a related dependency.
356             final String archiveMd5 = dependency.getMd5sum();
357             final String archiveSha1 = dependency.getSha1sum();
358             final String archiveSha256 = dependency.getSha256sum();
359             try {
360                 dependency.setMd5sum("");
361                 dependency.setSha1sum("");
362                 dependency.setSha256sum("");
363                 Files.copy(dependency.getActualFile().toPath(), tmpLoc.toPath());
364                 final List<Dependency> dependencySet = findMoreDependencies(engine, tmpLoc);
365                 if (dependencySet != null && !dependencySet.isEmpty()) {
366                     dependencySet.forEach((d) -> {
367                         //fix the dependency's display name and path
368                         if (d.getActualFile().equals(tmpLoc)) {
369                             d.setFilePath(dependency.getFilePath());
370                             d.setDisplayFileName(dependency.getFileName());
371                         } else {
372                             d.getRelatedDependencies().stream().filter((rel) -> rel.getActualFile().equals(tmpLoc)).forEach((rel) -> {
373                                 rel.setFilePath(dependency.getFilePath());
374                                 rel.setDisplayFileName(dependency.getFileName());
375                             });
376                         }
377                     });
378                 }
379             } catch (IOException ex) {
380                 LOGGER.debug("Unable to perform deep copy on '{}'", dependency.getActualFile().getPath(), ex);
381             } finally {
382                 dependency.setMd5sum(archiveMd5);
383                 dependency.setSha1sum(archiveSha1);
384                 dependency.setSha256sum(archiveSha256);
385             }
386         }
387     }
389     /**
390      * Scan the given file/folder, and return any new dependencies found.
391      *
392      * @param engine used to scan
393      * @param file target of scanning
394      * @return any dependencies that weren't known to the engine before
395      */
396     private static List<Dependency> findMoreDependencies(Engine engine, File file) {
397         return engine.scan(file);
398     }
400     /**
401      * Retrieves the next temporary directory to extract an archive too.
402      *
403      * @return a directory
404      * @throws AnalysisException thrown if unable to create temporary directory
405      */
406     private File getNextTempDirectory() throws AnalysisException {
407         final File directory = new File(tempFileLocation, String.valueOf(DIRECTORY_COUNT.incrementAndGet()));
408         //getting an exception for some directories not being able to be created; might be because the directory already exists?
409         if (directory.exists()) {
410             return getNextTempDirectory();
411         }
412         if (!directory.mkdirs()) {
413             final String msg = String.format("Unable to create temp directory '%s'.", directory.getAbsolutePath());
414             throw new AnalysisException(msg);
415         }
416         return directory;
417     }
419     /**
420      * Extracts the contents of an archive into the specified directory.
421      *
422      * @param archive an archive file such as a WAR or EAR
423      * @param destination a directory to extract the contents to
424      * @param engine the scanning engine
425      * @throws AnalysisException thrown if the archive is not found
426      */
427     private void extractFiles(File archive, File destination, Engine engine) throws AnalysisException {
428         if (archive != null && destination != null) {
429             String archiveExt = FileUtils.getFileExtension(archive.getName());
430             if (archiveExt == null) {
431                 return;
432             }
433             archiveExt = archiveExt.toLowerCase();
435             final FileInputStream fis;
436             try {
437                 fis = new FileInputStream(archive);
438             } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
439                 final String msg = String.format("Error extracting file `%s`: %s", archive.getAbsolutePath(), ex.getMessage());
440                 LOGGER.debug(msg, ex);
441                 throw new AnalysisException(msg);
442             }
443             BufferedInputStream in = null;
444             //ZipArchiveInputStream zin = null;
445             ZipInputStream zin = null;
446             TarArchiveInputStream tin = null;
447             GzipCompressorInputStream gin = null;
448             BZip2CompressorInputStream bzin = null;
449             RpmInputStream rin = null;
450             CpioArchiveInputStream cain = null;
451             try {
452                 if (KNOWN_ZIP_EXT.contains(archiveExt) || ADDITIONAL_ZIP_EXT.contains(archiveExt)) {
453                     in = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
454                     ensureReadableJar(archiveExt, in);
455                     //zin = new ZipArchiveInputStream(in);
456                     zin = new ZipInputStream(in);
457                     extractArchive(zin, destination, engine);
458                 } else if ("tar".equals(archiveExt)) {
459                     in = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
460                     tin = new TarArchiveInputStream(in);
461                     extractArchive(tin, destination, engine);
462                 } else if ("gz".equals(archiveExt) || "tgz".equals(archiveExt)) {
463                     final String uncompressedName = GzipUtils.getUncompressedFilename(archive.getName());
464                     final File f = new File(destination, uncompressedName);
465                     if (engine.accept(f)) {
466                         final String destPath = destination.getCanonicalPath();
467                         if (!f.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(destPath)) {
468                             final String msg = String.format(
469                                     "Archive (%s) contains a file that would be written outside of the destination directory",
470                                     archive.getPath());
471                             throw new AnalysisException(msg);
472                         }
473                         in = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
474                         gin = new GzipCompressorInputStream(in);
475                         decompressFile(gin, f);
476                     }
477                 } else if ("bz2".equals(archiveExt) || "tbz2".equals(archiveExt)) {
478                     final String uncompressedName = BZip2Utils.getUncompressedFilename(archive.getName());
479                     final File f = new File(destination, uncompressedName);
480                     if (engine.accept(f)) {
481                         final String destPath = destination.getCanonicalPath();
482                         if (!f.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(destPath)) {
483                             final String msg = String.format(
484                                     "Archive (%s) contains a file that would be written outside of the destination directory",
485                                     archive.getPath());
486                             throw new AnalysisException(msg);
487                         }
488                         in = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
489                         bzin = new BZip2CompressorInputStream(in);
490                         decompressFile(bzin, f);
491                     }
492                 } else if ("rpm".equals(archiveExt)) {
493                     rin = new RpmInputStream(fis);
494                     //return of getTag is not used - but the call is a
495                     //necassary step in reading from the stream
496                     rin.getPayloadHeader().getTag(RpmTag.NAME);
497                     cain = new CpioArchiveInputStream(rin);
498                     extractArchive(cain, destination, engine);
499                 }
500             } catch (ArchiveExtractionException ex) {
501                 LOGGER.error("Exception extracting archive '{}'.", archive.getName());
502                 LOGGER.debug("", ex);
503                 throw new AnalysisException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
504             } catch (IOException ex) {
505                 LOGGER.error("Exception reading archive '{}'.", archive.getName());
506                 LOGGER.debug("", ex);
507                 throw new AnalysisException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
508             } finally {
509                 //overly verbose and not needed... but keeping it anyway due to
510                 //having issue with file handles being left open
511                 FileUtils.close(fis);
512                 FileUtils.close(in);
513                 FileUtils.close(zin);
514                 FileUtils.close(tin);
515                 FileUtils.close(gin);
516                 FileUtils.close(bzin);
517             }
518         }
519     }
521     /**
522      * Checks if the file being scanned is a JAR or WAR that begins with
523      * '#!/bin' which indicates it is a fully executable jar. If a fully
524      * executable JAR is identified the input stream will be advanced to the
525      * start of the actual JAR file ( skipping the script).
526      *
527      * @param archiveExt the file extension
528      * @param in the input stream
529      * @throws IOException thrown if there is an error reading the stream
530      * @see <a href="">Installing
531      * Spring Boot Applications</a>
532      */
533     private void ensureReadableJar(final String archiveExt, BufferedInputStream in) throws IOException {
534         if (("war".equals(archiveExt) || "jar".equals(archiveExt)) && in.markSupported()) {
535             in.mark(7);
536             final byte[] b = new byte[7];
537             final int read =;
538             if (read == 7
539                     && b[0] == '#'
540                     && b[1] == '!'
541                     && b[2] == '/'
542                     && b[3] == 'b'
543                     && b[4] == 'i'
544                     && b[5] == 'n'
545                     && b[6] == '/') {
546                 boolean stillLooking = true;
547                 int chr;
548                 int nxtChr;
549                 //CSOFF: InnerAssignment
550                 //CSOFF: NestedIfDepth
551                 while (stillLooking && (chr = != -1) {
552                     if (chr == '\n' || chr == '\r') {
553                         in.mark(4);
554                         if ((chr = != -1) {
555                             if (chr == 'P' && (chr = != -1) {
556                                 if (chr == 'K' && (chr = != -1) {
557                                     if ((chr == 3 || chr == 5 || chr == 7) && (nxtChr = != -1) {
558                                         if (nxtChr == chr + 1) {
559                                             stillLooking = false;
560                                             in.reset();
561                                         }
562                                     }
563                                 }
564                             }
565                         }
566                     }
567                 }
568                 //CSON: InnerAssignment
569                 //CSON: NestedIfDepth
570             } else {
571                 in.reset();
572             }
573         }
574     }
576     private void extractArchive(ZipInputStream input, File destination, Engine engine) throws ArchiveExtractionException {
577         ZipEntry entry;
578         try {
579             //final String destPath = destination.getCanonicalPath();
580             final Path d = destination.toPath();
581             while ((entry = input.getNextEntry()) != null) {
582                 //final File file = new File(destination, entry.getName());
583                 final Path f = d.resolve(entry.getName()).normalize();
584                 if (!f.startsWith(d)) {
585                     LOGGER.debug("ZipSlip detected\n-Destination: " + d + "\n-Path: " + f);
586                     final String msg = String.format(
587                             "Archive contains a file (%s) that would be extracted outside of the target directory.",
588                             entry.getName());
589                     throw new ArchiveExtractionException(msg);
590                 }
591                 final File file = f.toFile();
592                 if (entry.isDirectory()) {
593                     if (!file.exists() && !file.mkdirs()) {
594                         final String msg = String.format("Unable to create directory '%s'.", file.getAbsolutePath());
595                         throw new AnalysisException(msg);
596                     }
597                 } else if (engine.accept(file)) {
598                     extractAcceptedFile(input, file);
599                 }
600             }
601         } catch (IOException | AnalysisException ex) {
602             throw new ArchiveExtractionException(ex);
603         } finally {
604             FileUtils.close(input);
605         }
606     }
608     /**
609      * Extracts files from an archive.
610      *
611      * @param input the archive to extract files from
612      * @param destination the location to write the files too
613      * @param engine the dependency-check engine
614      * @throws ArchiveExtractionException thrown if there is an exception
615      * extracting files from the archive
616      */
617     private void extractArchive(ArchiveInputStream input, File destination, Engine engine) throws ArchiveExtractionException {
618         ArchiveEntry entry;
619         try {
620             //final String destPath = destination.getCanonicalPath();
621             final Path d = destination.toPath();
622             while ((entry = input.getNextEntry()) != null) {
623                 //final File file = new File(destination, entry.getName());
624                 final Path f = d.resolve(entry.getName()).normalize();
625                 if (!f.startsWith(d)) {
626                     LOGGER.debug("ZipSlip detected\n-Destination: " + d + "\n-Path: " + f);
627                     final String msg = String.format(
628                             "Archive contains a file (%s) that would be extracted outside of the target directory.",
629                             entry.getName());
630                     throw new ArchiveExtractionException(msg);
631                 }
632                 final File file = f.toFile();
633                 if (entry.isDirectory()) {
634                     if (!file.exists() && !file.mkdirs()) {
635                         final String msg = String.format("Unable to create directory '%s'.", file.getAbsolutePath());
636                         throw new AnalysisException(msg);
637                     }
638                 } else if (engine.accept(file)) {
639                     extractAcceptedFile(input, file);
640                 }
641             }
642         } catch (IOException | AnalysisException ex) {
643             throw new ArchiveExtractionException(ex);
644         } finally {
645             FileUtils.close(input);
646         }
647     }
649     /**
650      * Extracts a file from an archive.
651      *
652      * @param input the archives input stream
653      * @param file the file to extract
654      * @throws AnalysisException thrown if there is an error
655      */
656     private static void extractAcceptedFile(ZipInputStream input, File file) throws AnalysisException {
657         LOGGER.debug("Extracting '{}'", file.getPath());
658         final File parent = file.getParentFile();
659         if (!parent.isDirectory() && !parent.mkdirs()) {
660             final String msg = String.format("Unable to build directory '%s'.", parent.getAbsolutePath());
661             throw new AnalysisException(msg);
662         }
663         try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
664             IOUtils.copy(input, fos);
665         } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
666             LOGGER.debug("", ex);
667             final String msg = String.format("Unable to find file '%s'.", file.getName());
668             throw new AnalysisException(msg, ex);
669         } catch (IOException ex) {
670             LOGGER.debug("", ex);
671             final String msg = String.format("IO Exception while parsing file '%s'.", file.getName());
672             throw new AnalysisException(msg, ex);
673         }
674     }
676     /**
677      * Extracts a file from an archive.
678      *
679      * @param input the archives input stream
680      * @param file the file to extract
681      * @throws AnalysisException thrown if there is an error
682      */
683     private static void extractAcceptedFile(ArchiveInputStream input, File file) throws AnalysisException {
684         LOGGER.debug("Extracting '{}'", file.getPath());
685         final File parent = file.getParentFile();
686         if (!parent.isDirectory() && !parent.mkdirs()) {
687             final String msg = String.format("Unable to build directory '%s'.", parent.getAbsolutePath());
688             throw new AnalysisException(msg);
689         }
690         try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
691             IOUtils.copy(input, fos);
692         } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
693             LOGGER.debug("", ex);
694             final String msg = String.format("Unable to find file '%s'.", file.getName());
695             throw new AnalysisException(msg, ex);
696         } catch (IOException ex) {
697             LOGGER.debug("", ex);
698             final String msg = String.format("IO Exception while parsing file '%s'.", file.getName());
699             throw new AnalysisException(msg, ex);
700         }
701     }
703     /**
704      * Decompresses a file.
705      *
706      * @param inputStream the compressed file
707      * @param outputFile the location to write the decompressed file
708      * @throws ArchiveExtractionException thrown if there is an exception
709      * decompressing the file
710      */
711     private void decompressFile(CompressorInputStream inputStream, File outputFile) throws ArchiveExtractionException {
712         LOGGER.debug("Decompressing '{}'", outputFile.getPath());
713         try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)) {
714             IOUtils.copy(inputStream, out);
715         } catch (IOException ex) {
716             LOGGER.debug("", ex);
717             throw new ArchiveExtractionException(ex);
718         }
719     }
721     /**
722      * Attempts to determine if a zip file is actually a JAR file.
723      *
724      * @param dependency the dependency to check
725      * @return true if the dependency appears to be a JAR file; otherwise false
726      */
727     private boolean isZipFileActuallyJarFile(Dependency dependency) {
728         boolean isJar = false;
729         ZipFile zip = null;
730         try {
731             zip = new ZipFile(dependency.getActualFilePath());
732             if (zip.getEntry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF") != null
733                     || zip.getEntry("META-INF/maven") != null) {
734                 final Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> entries = zip.getEntries();
735                 while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
736                     final ZipArchiveEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
737                     if (!entry.isDirectory()) {
738                         final String name = entry.getName().toLowerCase();
739                         if (name.endsWith(".class")) {
740                             isJar = true;
741                             break;
742                         }
743                     }
744                 }
745             }
746         } catch (IOException ex) {
747             LOGGER.debug("Unable to unzip zip file '{}'", dependency.getFilePath(), ex);
748         } finally {
749             ZipFile.closeQuietly(zip);
750         }
751         return isJar;
752     }
754     /**
755      * Initializes settings used by the scanning functions of the archive
756      * analyzer.
757      */
758     private void initializeSettings() {
759         maxScanDepth = getSettings().getInt("archive.scan.depth", 3);
760         final Set<String> extensions = new HashSet<>(EXTENSIONS);
761         extensions.addAll(KNOWN_ZIP_EXT);
762         final String additionalZipExt = getSettings().getString(Settings.KEYS.ADDITIONAL_ZIP_EXTENSIONS);
763         if (additionalZipExt != null) {
764             final String[] ext = additionalZipExt.split("\\s*,\\s*");
765             Collections.addAll(extensions, ext);
766             Collections.addAll(ADDITIONAL_ZIP_EXT, ext);
767         }
768         fileFilter = FileFilterBuilder.newInstance().addExtensions(extensions).build();
769     }
770 }