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Proxy Configuration

With dependency-check 9.x the proxy configuration is unfortunately in transition and, if required, will likely need to be configured twice.

Java Properties

The go-forward proxy configuration is done using Apache HTTPClient system property proxy configuration which can be set using an environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS. See for more information. The recommended properties that can be configured are:

  • https.proxyHost
  • https.proxyPort
  • https.proxyUser
  • https.proxyPassword
  • http.nonProxyHosts

And in case of legacy URLs that are not (yet) exposing on https:

  • http.proxyHost
  • http.proxyPort
  • http.proxyUser
  • http.proxyPassword

As example configuration would be:

export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Dhttps.proxyHost=my-proxy.internal -Dhttps.proxyPort=8083"

If you have some custom internal URLs that are on plain http, but do require use of the proxy you should also add the http.* properties for the proxy.

export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Dhttps.proxyHost=my-proxy.internal -Dhttps.proxyPort=8083 -Dhttp.proxyHost=my-proxy.internal -Dhttp.proxyPort=8083"

Legacy configuration

Legacy proxy configuration can be configured in any of the dependency-check integrations (CLI, Maven, Gradle, Ant, Jenkins). See the configuration settings for each:

Certificate Errors

In some cases if you setup a proxy the connection may still fail due to certificate errors (see the log file from dependency-check). If you know which cert it's failing on (either your proxy or NVD/CVE) you can either add the certificate itself or the signing chain to your trust store. If you don't have access to modify the system trust store (in $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts) you can copy it elsewhere and import it using keytool, then specify that trust store on the command line (mvn or if you need to always have that set, you can set the environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS to have

Still failing?

In some cases the proxy is configured to block HEAD requests. While an attempt is made by dependency-check to identify this situation it does not appear to be 100% successful. As such, the last thing to try is to add the property mvn -Ddownloader.quick.query.timestamp=false.

If trying the above and it still fails please open a ticket in the github repo.