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- addBasicAuthentication(HttpURLConnection, String, String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.URLConnectionFactory
Adds a basic authentication header if the values in the settings are not null.
- ADDITIONAL_ZIP_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The additional configured zip file extensions, if available.
- addSuppressedExceptions(Throwable, Throwable...) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.Processor
Adds any non-null exceptions in the `suppress` list to the suppressed exceptions on the main exception `ex`.
- ANALYSIS_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the analysis timeout.
- ANALYZER_ARCHIVE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Archive analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_API_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Artifactory API token.
- ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_API_USERNAME - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Artifactory username.
- ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_BEARER_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Artifactory bearer token (https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Access+Tokens).
- ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Artifactory analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_PARALLEL_ANALYSIS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Artifactory analyzer should use parallel processing.
- ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Artifactory search URL.
- ANALYZER_ARTIFACTORY_USES_PROXY - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for using the proxy to reach Artifactory.
- ANALYZER_ASSEMBLY_DOTNET_PATH - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The path to dotnet core, if available.
- ANALYZER_ASSEMBLY_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the .NET Assembly analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_AUTOCONF_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Autoconf analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_BUNDLE_AUDIT_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Ruby Bundler Audit analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_BUNDLE_AUDIT_PATH - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The path to bundle-audit, if available.
- ANALYZER_BUNDLE_AUDIT_WORKING_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The path to bundle-audit, if available.
- ANALYZER_CARTHAGE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the carthage analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_CENTRAL_BEARER_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the token for a HTTP Bearer protected Central search URL.
- ANALYZER_CENTRAL_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Central analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_CENTRAL_PARALLEL_ANALYSIS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Central analyzer should use parallel processing.
- ANALYZER_CENTRAL_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Central search password.
- ANALYZER_CENTRAL_QUERY - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Central search query.
- ANALYZER_CENTRAL_RETRY_COUNT - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Central analyzer should use parallel processing.
- ANALYZER_CENTRAL_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Central search URL.
- ANALYZER_CENTRAL_USE_CACHE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether Central search results will be cached.
- ANALYZER_CENTRAL_USER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Central search username.
- ANALYZER_CMAKE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the CMake analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_COCOAPODS_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the cocoapods analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_COMPOSER_LOCK_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the PHP composer lock file analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_COMPOSER_LOCK_SKIP_DEV - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the PHP composer lock file analyzer should skip dev packages.
- ANALYZER_CPANFILE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Perl CPAN file file analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_CPE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the CPE analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_CPE_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the CPE Suppression analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_DART_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Dart analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_DEPENDENCY_BUNDLING_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the Dependency Bundling analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_DEPENDENCY_MERGING_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the Dependency Merging analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether experimental analyzers are loaded.
- ANALYZER_FALSE_POSITIVE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the False Positive analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_FILE_NAME_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the File Name analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_GOLANG_DEP_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Golang Dep analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_GOLANG_MOD_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Golang Mod analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_GOLANG_PATH - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The path to go, if available.
- ANALYZER_HINT_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the Hint analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_JAR_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Jar Analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_KNOWN_EXPLOITED_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Known Exploited Vulnerability Analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_LIBMAN_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Libman analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_MAVEN_INSTALL_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the maven_install.json analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_MIX_AUDIT_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Elixir mix audit analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_MIX_AUDIT_PATH - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The path to mix_audit, if available.
- ANALYZER_MSBUILD_PROJECT_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the .NET MSBuild Project analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_NEXUS_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Nexus analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_NEXUS_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Nexus search credentials password.
- ANALYZER_NEXUS_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Nexus search URL.
- ANALYZER_NEXUS_USER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Nexus search credentials username.
- ANALYZER_NEXUS_USES_PROXY - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for using the proxy to reach Nexus.
- ANALYZER_NODE_AUDIT_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Node Audit analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_NODE_AUDIT_SKIPDEV - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for configure whether the Node Audit analyzer should skip devDependencies.
- ANALYZER_NODE_AUDIT_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for supplying the URL to the Node Audit API.
- ANALYZER_NODE_AUDIT_USE_CACHE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether node audit analyzer results will be cached.
- ANALYZER_NODE_PACKAGE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the node.js package analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_NODE_PACKAGE_SKIPDEV - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for configure whether the Node Package analyzer should skip devDependencies.
- ANALYZER_NPM_CPE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the NPM CPE analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_NUGETCONF_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the .NET Nuget packages.config analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_NUSPEC_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the .NET Nuspec analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_NVD_CVE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the NVD CVE analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_OPENSSL_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the OpenSSL analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Sonatype OSS batch-size.
- ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Sonatype OSS Index analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Sonatype OSS Index password.
- ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_REQUEST_DELAY - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Sonatype OSS Request Delay.
- ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Sonatype OSS Index URL.
- ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_USE_CACHE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Sonatype OSS Index should use a local cache.
- ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_USER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the Sonatype OSS Index user.
- ANALYZER_OSSINDEX_WARN_ONLY_ON_REMOTE_ERRORS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for only warning about Sonatype OSS Index remote errors instead of failing the request.
- ANALYZER_PE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the File Version analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_PIP_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the pip analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_PIPFILE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the pipfile analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_PNPM_AUDIT_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Pnpm Audit analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_PNPM_PATH - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The path to pnpm, if available.
- ANALYZER_POETRY_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Poetry analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_PYTHON_DISTRIBUTION_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Python Distribution analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_PYTHON_PACKAGE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Python Package analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_RETIRED_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether experimental analyzers are loaded.
- ANALYZER_RETIREJS_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the RetireJS analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_RETIREJS_FILTER_NON_VULNERABLE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the RetireJS analyzer should filter out non-vulnerable dependencies.
- ANALYZER_RETIREJS_FILTERS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the RetireJS analyzer file content filters.
- ANALYZER_RETIREJS_FORCEUPDATE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for defining whether the RetireJS repository will be updated regardless of the autoupdate settings.
- ANALYZER_RETIREJS_REPO_JS_BEARER_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the token to download the RetireJS JSON data from an HTTP-Bearer-auth protected location.
- ANALYZER_RETIREJS_REPO_JS_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the RetireJS Repository password.
- ANALYZER_RETIREJS_REPO_JS_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for defining the URL to the RetireJS repository.
- ANALYZER_RETIREJS_REPO_JS_USER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the RetireJS Repository username.
- ANALYZER_RETIREJS_REPO_VALID_FOR_HOURS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key to control the skipping of the check for CVE updates.
- ANALYZER_RUBY_GEMSPEC_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Ruby Gemspec Analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_SWIFT_PACKAGE_MANAGER_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the SWIFT package manager analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_SWIFT_PACKAGE_RESOLVED_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the SWIFT package resolved analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_VERSION_FILTER_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the Version Filter analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_VULNERABILITY_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the Vulnerability Suppression analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_YARN_AUDIT_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the Yarn Audit analyzer is enabled.
- ANALYZER_YARN_PATH - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The path to go, if available.
- APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to obtain the application name.
- APPLICATION_VERSION - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to obtain the application version.
- AUTO_UPDATE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key indicating whether or not the cached data sources should be updated.
- available() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.JsonArrayFixingInputStream
- buildSecureDocumentBuilder() - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.XmlUtils
Constructs a new document builder with security features enabled.
- buildSecureSaxParser() - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.XmlUtils
Constructs a secure SAX Parser.
- buildSecureSaxParser(InputStream...) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.XmlUtils
Constructs a validating secure SAX Parser.
- CENTRAL_CONTENT_BEARER_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
Key for the token to obtain content from Maven Central from an HTTP-Bearer-auth protected location.
- CENTRAL_CONTENT_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
Key for the Password to obtain content from Maven Central.
- CENTRAL_CONTENT_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
Key for the URL to obtain content from Maven Central.
- CENTRAL_CONTENT_USER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
Key for the Username to obtain content from Maven Central.
- Checksum - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
Includes methods to generate the MD5 and SHA1 checksum.
- cleanup() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Cleans up resources to prevent memory leaks.
- cleanup(boolean) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Cleans up resources to prevent memory leaks.
- close() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.JsonArrayFixingInputStream
- close() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.ProcessReader
Waits for the process and related threads to complete.
- close(Closeable) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.FileUtils
Close the given
instance, ignoring nulls, and logging any thrownIOException
. - configure(Settings) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Initialize the Downloader from the settings.
- configurePreEmptiveBasicAuth(URL, String, String, CredentialsStore, AuthCache) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.HC5CredentialHelper
Configure pre-emptive Basic Auth for the host of the URL.
- configurePreEmptiveBearerAuth(URL, String, CredentialsStore, AuthCache) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.HC5CredentialHelper
Configure pre-emptive Bearer Auth for the host of the URL.
- CONNECTION_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the connection read timeout.
- CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the connection timeout.
- contains(File, String) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.search.FileContentSearch
Determines if the given file contains the given regular expression.
- contains(File, String[]) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.search.FileContentSearch
Determines if the given file contains the given regular expressions.
- CPE_MODIFIED_VALID_FOR_DAYS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key that indicates how often the CPE data needs to be updated.
- CPE_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the URL to retrieve the CPE.
- createHttpURLConnection(URL) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.URLConnectionFactory
Utility method to create an HttpURLConnection.
- createHttpURLConnection(URL, boolean) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.URLConnectionFactory
Utility method to create an HttpURLConnection.
- createTempDirectory(File) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.FileUtils
Creates a unique temporary directory in the given directory.
- CVE_CPE_STARTS_WITH_FILTER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The starts with filter used to exclude CVE entries from the database.
- DATA_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The base path to use for the data directory (for embedded db and other cached resources from the Internet).
- DB_CONNECTION_STRING - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The database connection string.
- DB_DRIVER_NAME - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The database driver class name.
- DB_DRIVER_PATH - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The database driver class name.
- DB_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The database file name.
- DB_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The password to authenticate to the database.
- DB_USER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The username to use when connecting to the database.
- DB_VERSION - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The database schema version.
- delete(File) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.FileUtils
Deletes a file.
- Downloader - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
A Utility class to centralize download logic like HTTP(S) proxy configuration and proxy- and server credential handling.
- DOWNLOADER_QUICK_QUERY_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to the HTTP request method for query last modified date.
- DOWNLOADER_TLS_PROTOCOL_LIST - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to HTTP protocol list to use.
- DownloadFailedException - Exception in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
An exception used when a download fails.
- DownloadFailedException() - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.DownloadFailedException
Creates a new DownloadFailedException.
- DownloadFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.DownloadFailedException
Creates a new DownloadFailedException.
- DownloadFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.DownloadFailedException
Creates a new DownloadFailedException.
- DownloadFailedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.DownloadFailedException
Creates a new DownloadFailedException.
- ECOSYSTEM_SKIP_CPEANALYZER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine which ecosystems should skip the CPE analysis.
- ENABLE_BATCH_UPDATES - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
Adds capabilities to batch insert.
- ENGINE_VERSION_CHECK_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to obtain the URL to retrieve the current release version from.
- ExpectedObjectInputStream - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
An ObjectInputStream that will only deserialize expected classes.
- ExpectedObjectInputStream(InputStream, String...) - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ExpectedObjectInputStream
Constructs a new ExpectedOjectInputStream that can be used to securely deserialize an object by restricting the classes that can deserialized to a known set of expected classes.
- ExplicitCharsetToStringResponseHandler - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
A responseHandler that uses an explicit client-defined characterset to interpret the response payload as a string.
- ExplicitCharsetToStringResponseHandler(Charset) - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ExplicitCharsetToStringResponseHandler
Constructs a repsonse handler to transfor the binary contents received using the given Charset.
- ExtractionException - Exception in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
An exception used when a file is unable to be un-zipped.
- ExtractionException() - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ExtractionException
Creates a new ExtractionException.
- ExtractionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ExtractionException
Creates a new ExtractionException.
- ExtractionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ExtractionException
Creates a new ExtractionException.
- ExtractionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ExtractionException
Creates a new ExtractionException.
- FAIL_ON_UNUSED_SUPPRESSION_RULE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether the build should fail if there are unused suppression rules.
- fetchAndHandle(URL, HttpClientResponseHandler<T>) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Download a resource from the given URL and have its content handled by the given ResponseHandler.
- fetchAndHandle(URL, HttpClientResponseHandler<T>, List<Header>) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Download a resource from the given URL and have its content handled by the given ResponseHandler.
- fetchAndHandle(URL, HttpClientResponseHandler<T>, List<Header>, boolean) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Download a resource from the given URL and have its content handled by the given ResponseHandler.
- fetchAndHandle(CloseableHttpClient, URL, HttpClientResponseHandler<T>, List<Header>) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Download a resource from the given URL and have its content handled by the given ResponseHandler.
- fetchContent(URL, boolean, Charset) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Retrieves a file from a given URL and returns the contents.
- fetchContent(URL, Charset) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Retrieves a file from a given URL and returns the contents.
- fetchFile(URL, File) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Retrieves a file from a given URL and saves it to the outputPath.
- fetchFile(URL, File, boolean) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Retrieves a file from a given URL and saves it to the outputPath.
- fetchFile(URL, File, boolean, String, String, String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Retrieves a file from a given URL using an ad-hoc created CredentialsProvider if needed and saves it to the outputPath.
- FileContentSearch - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.search
Utility for searching files.
- FileUtils - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
A collection of utilities for processing information about files.
- getArray(String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns a list with the given key.
- getBitBucket() - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.FileUtils
Return the bit bucket for the OS.
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns a boolean value from the properties file.
- getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns a boolean value from the properties file.
- getChecksum(String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Checksum
Calculates the MD5 checksum of a specified bytes.
- getChecksum(String, File) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Checksum
Creates the cryptographic checksum of a given file using the specified algorithm.
- getConnectionString(String, String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns a connection string from the configured properties.
- getDataDirectory() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Retrieves the primary data directory that is used for caching web content.
- getError() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.ProcessReader
Returns the error stream output from the process.
- getFile(String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns a value from the properties file as a File object.
- getFileExtension(String) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.FileUtils
Returns the (lowercase) file extension for a specified file.
- getFloat(String, float) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns a float value from the properties file.
- getH2DataDirectory() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Retrieves the H2 data directory - if the database has been moved to the temp directory this method will return the temp directory.
- getHex(byte[]) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Checksum
Converts a byte array into a hex string.
- getHttpClient(boolean) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Gets a pre-configured HttpClient.
- getInput() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.Processor
Retrieves a reference to the input.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
The singleton instance for downloading file resources.
- getInt(String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns an int value from the properties file.
- getInt(String, int) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns an int value from the properties file.
- getLong(String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns a long value from the properties file.
- getMD5Checksum(File) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Checksum
Calculates the MD5 checksum of a specified file.
- getMD5Checksum(String) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Checksum
Calculates the MD5 checksum of the specified text.
- getOutput() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.ProcessReader
Returns the output from standard out from the process.
- getPreEmptiveAuthContext() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Gets a HttpClientContext that supports pre-emptive authentication.
- getPrettyParseExceptionInfo(SAXParseException) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.XmlUtils
Builds a prettier exception message.
- getResourceAsFile(String) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.FileUtils
Returns a File object for the given resource.
- getResourceAsStream(String) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.FileUtils
Gets the
for this resource. - getSHA1Checksum(File) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Checksum
Calculates the SHA1 checksum of a specified file.
- getSHA1Checksum(String) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Checksum
Calculates the SHA1 checksum of the specified text.
- getSHA256Checksum(File) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Checksum
Calculates the SH256 checksum of a specified file.
- getSHA256Checksum(String) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Checksum
Calculates the SHA256 checksum of the specified text.
- getString(String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns a value from the properties file.
- getString(String, String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns a value from the properties file.
- getTempDirectory() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Returns the temporary directory.
- getTempFile(String, String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Generates a new temporary file name that is guaranteed to be unique.
- H2_DATA_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The base path to use for the H2 data directory (for embedded db).
- handleEntity(HttpEntity) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ExplicitCharsetToStringResponseHandler
- handleEntity(HttpEntity) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ToXMLDocumentResponseHandler
- HC5CredentialHelper - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
- HINTS_FILE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key for the hint file.
- HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_BEARER_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the hosted suppressions bearer token.
- HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key for the whether the hosted suppressions file datasource is enabled.
- HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_FORCEUPDATE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for defining whether the hosted suppressions file will be updated regardless of the autoupdate settings.
- HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the hosted suppressions password.
- HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key for the hosted suppressions file URL.
- HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_USER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the hosted suppressions username.
- HOSTED_SUPPRESSIONS_VALID_FOR_HOURS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key to control the skipping of the check for hosted suppressions file updates.
- InvalidSettingException - Exception in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
An exception used when an error occurs reading a setting.
- InvalidSettingException() - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.InvalidSettingException
Creates a new InvalidSettingException.
- InvalidSettingException(String) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.InvalidSettingException
Creates a new InvalidSettingException.
- InvalidSettingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.InvalidSettingException
Creates a new InvalidSettingException.
- InvalidSettingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.InvalidSettingException
Creates a new InvalidSettingException.
- isWhiteSpace(byte) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.JsonArrayFixingInputStream
Tests if the byte passed in is a white space character.
- JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.XmlUtils
JAXP Schema Language.
- JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.XmlUtils
JAXP Schema Source.
- JsonArrayFixingInputStream - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
Fixes a poorly formatted jSON array such as those returned by
go list -json -m all
. - JsonArrayFixingInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.JsonArrayFixingInputStream
Constructs a new filtering input stream used to fix a poorly formatted JSON array.
- JUNIT_FAIL_ON_CVSS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key for the property that controls what CVSS scores are considered failing test cases for the JUNIT repor.
- KEV_BEARER_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the hosted suppressions bearertoken.
- KEV_CHECK_VALID_FOR_HOURS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key to control the skipping of the check for Known Exploited Vulnerabilities updates.
- KEV_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the hosted suppressions password.
- KEV_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the URL to retrieve the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities..
- KEV_USER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the hosted suppressions username.
- markSupported() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.JsonArrayFixingInputStream
- MASKED_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key setting which other keys should be considered sensitive and subsequently masked when logged.
- MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
Key for the path to the local Maven repository.
- MAX_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
Size of database batch inserts.
- MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREAD_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The maximum number of threads to allocate when downloading files.
- MAX_QUERY_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the default max query size for Lucene query results.
- MAX_QUERY_SIZE_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key prefix for the default max query size for Lucene query results; append the ecosystem to obtain the default query size.
- mergeProperties(File) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Merges a new properties file into the current properties.
- mergeProperties(InputStream) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Merges a new properties file into the current properties.
- mergeProperties(String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Merges a new properties file into the current properties.
- NVD_API_DATAFEED_BEARER_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The token to authenticate to the NVD Data feed.
- NVD_API_DATAFEED_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The password to authenticate to the NVD Data feed.
- NVD_API_DATAFEED_START_YEAR - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The starting year for the NVD CVE Data feed cache.
- NVD_API_DATAFEED_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The URL for the NVD API Data Feed.
- NVD_API_DATAFEED_USER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The username to use when connecting to the NVD Data feed.
- NVD_API_DATAFEED_VALID_FOR_DAYS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key that indicates how often the NVD API data feed needs to be updated before a full refresh is evaluated.
- NVD_API_DELAY - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The delay between requests for the NVD API.
- NVD_API_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The NVD API Endpoint.
- NVD_API_KEY - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
API Key for the NVD API.
- NVD_API_MAX_RETRY_COUNT - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The maximum number of retry requests for a single call to the NVD API.
- NVD_API_RESULTS_PER_PAGE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key to control the results per page lower than NVD's default of 2000 See #6863 for the rationale on allowing lower configurations.
- NVD_API_VALID_FOR_HOURS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key to control the skipping of the check for NVD updates.
- org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils - package org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
Includes various utility classes such as a Settings wrapper, utilities to make URL Connections, etc.
- org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing - package org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing
Classes used to process the output of external calls.
- org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.search - package org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.search
Includes search utilities that might be useful to other projects.
- parseBoolean(String) - Static method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.XmlUtils
Converts an attribute value representing an xsd:boolean value to a boolean using the rules as stated in the XML specification.
- postBasedFetchContent(URI, String, ContentType, List<Header>) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Downloader
Posts a payload to the URL and returns the response as a string.
- PRETTY_PRINT - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for whether to pretty print the XML/JSON reports.
- Processor<T> - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing
Abstract class to create, in general, an input stream processor used to evaluate the output of an external process.
- Processor() - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.Processor
Creates a new processor.
- Processor(T) - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.Processor
Creates a new processor.
- ProcessReader - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing
Utility to read the output from a `Process` and places the output into provide storage containers.
- ProcessReader(Process) - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.ProcessReader
Creates a new reader for the given process.
- ProcessReader(Process, Processor<InputStream>) - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.ProcessReader
Creates a new reader for the given process.
- PROXY_DISABLE_SCHEMAS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
Whether or not if using basic auth with a proxy the system setting 'jdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes' should be set to an empty string.
- PROXY_NON_PROXY_HOSTS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the non proxy hosts.
- PROXY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the proxy password.
- PROXY_PORT - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the proxy port - this must be an integer value.
- PROXY_SERVER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the proxy server.
- PROXY_USERNAME - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the proxy username.
- read() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.JsonArrayFixingInputStream
- read(byte[]) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.JsonArrayFixingInputStream
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.JsonArrayFixingInputStream
- readAll() - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.ProcessReader
Reads the standard output and standard error from the process and waits for the process to complete.
- removeProperty(String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Removes a property from the local properties collection.
- resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ExpectedObjectInputStream
Only deserialize instances of expected classes by validating the class name prior to deserialization.
- ResourceNotFoundException - Exception in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
An exception used when the resource could not be retrieved because a 404 was received.
- ResourceNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ResourceNotFoundException
Creates a new ResourceNotFoundException.
- ResourceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ResourceNotFoundException
Creates a new ResourceNotFoundException.
- ResourceNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ResourceNotFoundException
Creates a new ResourceNotFoundException.
- ResourceNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ResourceNotFoundException
Creates a new ResourceNotFoundException.
- setArrayIfNotEmpty(String, String[]) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Sets a property value only if the array value is not null and not empty.
- setArrayIfNotEmpty(String, List<String>) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Sets a property value only if the array value is not null and not empty.
- setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Sets a property value.
- setBooleanIfNotNull(String, Boolean) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Sets a property value only if the value is not null.
- setFloat(String, float) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Sets a float property value.
- setInput(T) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.processing.Processor
Sets the input to process.
- setInt(String, int) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Sets a property value.
- setIntIfNotNull(String, Integer) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Sets a property value only if the value is not null.
- setString(String, String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Sets a property value.
- setStringIfNotEmpty(String, String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Sets a property value only if the value is not null and not empty.
- setStringIfNotNull(String, String) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Sets a property value only if the value is not null.
- Settings - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
A simple settings container that wraps the dependencycheck.properties file.
- Settings() - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Initialize the settings object.
- Settings(String) - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Initialize the settings object using the given properties file.
- Settings(Properties) - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings
Initialize the settings object using the given properties.
- Settings.KEYS - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
The collection of keys used within the properties file.
- skip(long) - Method in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.JsonArrayFixingInputStream
- SUPPRESSION_FILE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key for the suppression file.
- SUPPRESSION_FILE_BEARER_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the token used when connecting to the suppressionFiles.
- SUPPRESSION_FILE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the password used when connecting to the suppressionFiles.
- SUPPRESSION_FILE_USER - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The properties key for the username used when connecting to the suppressionFiles.
- TEMP_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The location of the temporary directory.
- TooManyRequestsException - Exception in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
An exception used when the server has blocked the requests due to too many requests.
- TooManyRequestsException() - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.TooManyRequestsException
Creates a new TooManyRequestsException.
- TooManyRequestsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.TooManyRequestsException
Creates a new TooManyRequestsException.
- TooManyRequestsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.TooManyRequestsException
Creates a new TooManyRequestsException.
- TooManyRequestsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.TooManyRequestsException
Creates a new TooManyRequestsException.
- ToXMLDocumentResponseHandler - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
- ToXMLDocumentResponseHandler() - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.ToXMLDocumentResponseHandler
- UPDATE_NVDCVE_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if the NVD CVE updater should be enabled.
- UPDATE_VERSION_CHECK_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to determine if dependency-check should check if there is a new version available.
- URLConnectionFactory - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
A URLConnection Factory to create new connections.
- URLConnectionFactory(Settings) - Constructor for class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.URLConnectionFactory
Private constructor for this factory.
- URLConnectionFailureException - Exception in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
An exception used when the creation of an URLConnection fails.
- URLConnectionFailureException() - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.URLConnectionFailureException
Creates a new URLConnectionFailureException.
- URLConnectionFailureException(String) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.URLConnectionFailureException
Creates a new URLConnectionFailureException.
- URLConnectionFailureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.URLConnectionFailureException
Creates a new URLConnectionFailureException.
- URLConnectionFailureException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.URLConnectionFailureException
Creates a new URLConnectionFailureException.
- VFEED_CONNECTION_STRING - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to obtain the VFEED connection string.
- VFEED_DATA_FILE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to obtain the path to the VFEED data file.
- VFEED_DOWNLOAD_FILE - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to obtain the download file name for the VFeed data.
- VFEED_DOWNLOAD_URL - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to obtain the base download URL for the VFeed data file.
- VFEED_UPDATE_STATUS - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key to obtain the VFeed update status.
- W3C_XML_SCHEMA - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.XmlUtils
W3C XML Schema.
- WRITELOCK_SHUTDOWN_HOOK - Static variable in class org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.Settings.KEYS
The key that specifies the class name of the Write Lock shutdown hook.
- XmlUtils - Class in org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils
Collection of XML related code.
All Classes All Packages