Package org.owasp.dependencycheck.maven
This is the main package containing the Mojo Maven Plugin - dependency-check.
Class Summary Class Description AggregateMojo Maven Plugin that checks project dependencies and the dependencies of all child modules to see if they have any known published vulnerabilities.ArtifactScopeExcluded Utility class to determine if an artifact should be excluded.ArtifactTypeExcluded Filter
implementation to exclude artifacts whose type matches a regular expression.BaseDependencyCheckMojo CheckMojo Maven Plugin that checks the project dependencies to see if they have any known published vulnerabilities.CollectingRootDependencyGraphVisitor FilteringDependencyTransitiveNodeVisitor A dependency node visitor that filters nodes and their children and delegates to another visitor.Mshared998Util ProxyConfig Proxy configuration options.PurgeMojo Maven Plugin that purges the local copy of the NVD data.Retirejs Simple POJO for Maven configuration.UpdateMojo Maven Plugin that updates the local cache of the NVD data from NIST.