class |
AutoconfAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Autoconf input files named or
class |
CarthageAnalyzer |
This analyzer is used to analyze SWIFT and Objective-C packages by collecting
information from Cartfile files.
class |
CMakeAnalyzer |
Used to analyze CMake build files, and collect information that can be used
to determine the associated CPE.
class |
CocoaPodsAnalyzer |
This analyzer is used to analyze SWIFT and Objective-C packages by collecting
information from .podspec files.
class |
ComposerLockAnalyzer |
Used to analyze a composer.lock file for a composer PHP app.
class |
DartAnalyzer |
This analyzer is used to analyze Dart packages by collecting information from
pubspec lock and yaml files.
class |
ElixirMixAuditAnalyzer |
class |
GolangDepAnalyzer |
Go lang dependency analyzer.
class |
GolangModAnalyzer |
Go mod dependency analyzer.
class |
NpmCPEAnalyzer |
NpmCPEAnalyzer takes a project dependency and attempts to discern if there is
an associated CPE.
class |
PEAnalyzer |
Takes a dependency and analyze the PE header for meta data that can be used
to identify the library.
class |
PerlCpanfileAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Perl CPAN files.
class |
PinnedMavenInstallAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Maven pinned dependency files named *install*.json , a
Java Maven dependency lockfile like Python's requirements.txt .
class |
PipAnalyzer |
Used to analyze pip dependency files named requirements.txt.
class |
PipfileAnalyzer |
Used to analyze dependencies defined in Pipfile.
class |
PipfilelockAnalyzer |
Used to analyze dependencies defined in Pipfile.lock.
class |
PoetryAnalyzer |
Poetry dependency analyzer.
class |
PythonDistributionAnalyzer |
Used to analyze a Wheel or egg distribution files, or their contents in
unzipped form, and collect information that can be used to determine the
associated CPE.
class |
PythonPackageAnalyzer |
Used to analyze a Python package, and collect information that can be used to
determine the associated CPE.
class |
RubyBundlerAnalyzer |
This analyzer accepts the fully resolved .gemspec created by the Ruby bundler
( for better evidence results.
class |
RubyGemspecAnalyzer |
Used to analyze Ruby Gem specifications and collect information that can be
used to determine the associated CPE.
class |
SwiftPackageManagerAnalyzer |
This analyzer is used to analyze the SWIFT Package Manager
class |
SwiftPackageResolvedAnalyzer |
This analyzer is used to analyze the SWIFT Package Resolved